Fate's Will: Prologue

The wind howled in her ears and the falling rain pelted her like tiny needles but she ran on. "we are nearly there!" shouted stephen. the relief in his voice made him realize just how terrified he had truly been.

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Under The Quiet Moon - 2 - 02/23/2016

#4 of under the quiet moon the pitter-patter of falling rain was punctuated by panicked splashes of shoeless feet pressing their owner frantically through the night. _there are no monsters in the dark! there are no monsters in the dark!

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Weathering the Storm

After perhaps another twenty seconds of just staring out at the darkness which encompassed not just their block but seemingly beyond for what little clarity they could gather through the still furiously falling rain, they withdrew again.

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Ghosts'n'Gobblin's: Awakening

He was running through the falling rain, trying to get home from school before dark. a paw had dragged him into an alleyway, and before the pine marten even knew it, there was a cock in his face.

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Hir green eyes gaze out the window at the falling rain, and the very thought of leaving and being soaked gives hir the chills. "horrible tonight, isn't it?" says the feline in a purring feminine voice.

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Two World's Collide

The wolfs tail wagged, as the panther began to knead at the floor, its purrs now audible over the falling rain. the wolf pulled away to speak to the panther, panting as it did so. "come on loki, how much longer do you need me to do this?!"

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Chapter Eleven: Finding Another

Wolfe turned to follow suit but was caught by a strong gust of wind that was accompanied by an intensifying of the already falling rain. wolfe struggled to stay level, but the gust was too strong and sent him tumbling backwards.

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MoN - Ch. 1: Shipwreck

His face was blasted with a combination of the falling rain and slash of the wave. but, this time, the violent sway of the waves was too much for the ship, and it shifted to the point of no return, sliding to a full horizontal-axis.

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The Scout's Run: Chapter 1

The falling rain had turned this dangerously steep hill into a muddy death trap of an incline, that no sane being would attempt in the daylight, never mind the dark. i grasped desperately in the mud for anything to stop my decent.

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The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Three

I had thought he came, at one point, and felt his cloak block out the falling rain above me. i relaxed, defeated as i waited for the feeling of being alive to cease, my heart to stop, my lungs to stall, my body to numb. but none of that happened.

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The Thrall (Commission)

The cold from falling rain made no difference to kimmy. no matter how much the vixen bundled up or huddled her knees to her chest, a chill wrapped around her body like a glacial blanket.

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 15

Todd looked up at the sky again, smiling into the falling rain. he felt good.

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