The Experience (Prologue)

He had suffered a major plane crash and passed away.) "i'm sorry babe." she looked over towards him. all she saw was the face of not caring. "eh, he was decent." "but hell, we were about to get married; he even gave me the engagement ring."

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Falling from the Sky

I look over to where the plane crashed; a tiny fire still burns on the oil slick, so far away. a light occasional wisp of smoke climbs into the sky, obscuring a few stars on its way up into the sparkling heavens.

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F&F:TY Chapter 1

crash off the coast of mexico.

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POV vore - polar bear and you

When the plane crashed in the blinding snowstorm the pilot climbed out of the plane "just for a moment, to see where we are." he didn't take his parka. you haven't seen him since. it's been hours. stay with the plane. that's the rule, right?

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He had heard about the business-leopard who cancelled a new york-to- la flight because of a dream and the plane crash landed in utah, few survivors. mr. whittaker had heard them and denied them.

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Rite of Passage

It had only been days since the plane crashed. since he was abandoned. since he was left for dead, only to wake up on an unfamiliar beach with the life rafts from the aircraft gone. since he first found a lone tribesman.

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The fire of a Spitfire part 4

Everypony was able to get out the way, as you plane crashed into ponyville." celestia told him, with bit of relief that her little pony's didn't get hurt. but she was still angry at the human for nearly causing mass murder, from it plane monster.

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Golden Twilight, Part 1: Dark Abyss

I remembered, the same year only a few months after when both my parents were killed in a plane crash as they were flying home from moscow, how nikolai had been there for me, holding me to him.

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Cumming in the bath tub

His friend was mest up ever since his girlfriend died in a plane crash. he fell into a deep depression and couldn't pay the bills for the house he and his girlfriend had shared. he had been kicked out from his parents house for their love.

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She Met Me at the Beach

She asked "yeah it is, my grandparents were rich and i inherited some of the money when almost all of my family was killed in a plane crash.

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Rexville 32: Fresh Wounds

It's about the plane crash." everyone in the family looked at hunter, especially his father, hardly anyone talked about this kind of stuff.

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Two Rich

In an unfortunate twist of events noah's real parents had died in a plane crash when he was 8. noah never really knew his parents though; he was more attached to his butler than he was to his parents.

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