Lost Innocence Chapter 3.

Once again full, the cub noticed that it was getting dark, and storm clouds began to cluster off in the distance. dashing quickly, shi entered a cave and started a fire, to keep warm from the cold rain and wind outside.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 10 (The End)

Dark grey, laced with veins of silver... like storm clouds... a life cut short, ended before she could even earn a name. a gift given. a debt he thought he could never truly repay... "lenka..."

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musket: chapter one,

"i was afraid you wouldn't show up, with the storm clouds and everything" he said as he neared me enough so he wouldn't have to shout. "why should i? a little rain never hurt anybody." i said as we began our walk towards the nearest cafe shop.

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 1: How I Got Here

I looked outside and saw black storm clouds rolling in, i measured that i had about 30 mins before the storm would hit, **_about_** 30 mins.

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Rainbow Dash's Best Prank Ever!

Squinting against the continuous deluge, she confirmed that a single storm cloud had settled over carosel boutique, marring an otherwise cloudless sky.

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Learning to love. Luna's first step

clouds in the sky. made the sun almost invisible.

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Chapter 20: The Price Love Pays

The storm clouds were rolling back and the sky was clearing, the air fresh and cold after the drizzle. zaldon took a deep breath and winced when it hurt his lungs.

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Worlds: B1, C5, Dragon

storm clouds gather and flaming rocks blast out of the center, right above the monster. all of the citizens break out in a panic, the guards aiming their bows at the dragon, ty'gra and i forgotten.

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The Fangs of Terror

As they made their way up the steps of the temple a look of seriousness and determination came upon their faces as they noticed dark storm clouds forming over them and the wind suddenly became eerie and cold. "it's karios...he knows we're here."

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Chapter 29: Marching on the Jungle

#29 of the mating season 5 chapter 29: marching on the jungle the storm clouds cleared and the moon and stars came winking overhead. wynn awoke with a light heart after her dreams of sylas the day before.
