Zero Point: Chapter 17- Engagement
Her sentence was cut off as the rattle of an automatic weapon caused her to drop to the ground. the walls of the hut exploded with pock marks as fire rained down on their position.
The Awakening of Bimbo-Bot
She concentrated on her mind, on her ai, to search for automatic functions, and found a few.
Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse
This biochip also automatically translates audio and visual information to a form you can understand.
The Dark Power of Ikudu Chapter 2
I automatically respond _"sic exsisto is, ego mos docui vos vinco lacuna"_ the pactum falls quiet... "todays words of power are from the third chapter of _atrum exerceo...
Z - Court Chapter 2: "A New Home"
The app automatically opened. after i had entered all my information and set up my profile, i searched for z- court and joined the group, which automatically let me in.
Hell Jumpers
He had four assault specialists with m16 automatic rifles, two support gunners with saws, a technical support agent to set up communications, and a sniper who had a m24 sniper rifle.
Anthrian Crew - Intro
Once he was done the auto-door to his room opened automatically and a green led lit up and started moving through metal panels leading him out and towards the common room.
Ablaze Ch.14: Battle of Senchen (11)
Several corysians use the crumbling walls and plentiful wreckage to take cover against small arms, heavy machine gun, and automatic cannon rounds.
Chapter 5 Reassurance
They vary from swords to fully automatic machine guns. there's a large sniper rifle mounted on a rack in the back of the room. "you see, this house is one like many all over the country that are battle ready.
LiT Addendum 1: Of Mice and Men
automatically, he was already gingerly sliding his fingers along the delicate surface of his focus.
Stream of consciousness (Patreon reward for Kodi)
Hazel just kept clicking and humming sleepily from time to time as he built more segments, his eyelids lowering down as the process became automatic.
RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!
Do not get upset if you fail a contest, remember, certain abilities are automatic wins when dealing with another's ability.