Unexpected Consequences
#2 of family lessons the second installment in james' story, here we find out just what the consequences of his moment as a peeping tom will land him.
Unintended Consequences
But hey, at least the consequences caught up to the main characters so that's something, at the very least.
7- Consequences
CRACK! Sithris jerked awake with a startle. Flashes of lightning made the cave entrance blinding, and thunder echoed through his ears. He placed a paw to his chest and breathed deeply, attempting to calm his racing heart. He glanced around,...
A Queen's Consequences
Vyra hoped arwa's concoction worked, the warm length still snug between her legs, a worry she'd failed to confront, and would reap the consequences many times over should arwa have been insufficient to her task.
Unexpected Consequences
****FINALLY!! IT'S DONE! The second part of my incest story is complete. I hope the work I put into it shows. I also hope that you guys enjoy it. So please, read, enjoy, and give me some feed back. What did you like? What didn't you like? What...
I Wish I May, I Wish I Might
That night, one thing leads to another, and the young lovers enjoy each others pleasures - with unexpected consequences... i wish i may, i wish i might... © cederwyn whitefurr 14th september, 2021 all rights reserved.
Running with the Ruff... By the light Chapter 12.
There is something going on...and i dread to think of the consequences if it what i fear it could be." ysmay's eyes opened wide, "you don't mean...?" "i do...which is why furdinand is coming with me.
Everyone Does It
Ding-dong! The doorbell rang. Upstairs, in this little suburban home, a whitetail doe was shaken from her erotic fantasy. Her husband had to go into work late tonight, wouldn't be home until morning. Inside, she could feel her biological clock...
Consequences Of Heavy Drinking
It was a hell of a party, the kind that would inevitably lead to headaches and regrets the morning after. Few cared at the moment, they were too busy enjoying themselves. It was a mix of college-age kids, many fresh and new to the party scene and...
Chapter 33: Consequences.
**eddies** **chapter 33: consequences.** **disclaimer:** all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author.
Kayla: Consequence Today
All of them had to face the consequences for their actions, and the actions stemming from ninne's rumor-mill and hate mongering.
Chapter 3: Consequences.
.** **chapter 3: consequences.** i rested my head back against the gryphon's flank, and took another puff of the joint k had just passed me.