Conversion 4: Couriers

So here we are, into the fourth part of conversion. i've got a rough but workable outline for the rest of the story, so i plan on sticking with this one way or another.

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Digi-Gear Conversion

Also have it in my da account: mojyamon is known to be a rather friendly digimon if you don't do anything to agitate him.

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Hu-Bot Conversion

"we were designed to facilitate organic conversion to synthetic. it was our creator's wish to be rid of the organic scourge. unfortunately, without him this is all we can do." "the ai the other rovers defeated?" "yes.

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: A Fireside Conversation

_I wrote this a long time ago. Did some minor editing to 'furrify' it. I'd like to note that I'm agnostic, so don't take this as promoting the viewpoint of either character. I just wanted to write a conversation between two men in a terrible place._...

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Conversion [Patron Reward]

Posted using postybirb **conversion** **by limewah patron reward for flarfenarfle (august 2023)** **featuring characters and settings from perfect home by hypnocatto** **18+** -- the white kitsune hung upside down in the dank dungeon

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Axel Geth Conversion

Each geth he converses with he finds it as easy and focused talking to one as it does to thousands.

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A Peeking Kindness

Sand dunes rolled through the desert like waves over the surface of an ocean only interrupted by shelves of stones that held the earth together. In the flattest portion of the desert, an oasis laid where all paths converged into a bustling mercantile...

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On the Night of the Falling Stars

You shifted the car into gear and rampaged down the winding cliffside roads. I grasped tight to your shoulder and stammered something - I don't quite remember what it was anymore - while you laughed and laughed and sped along faster than you should...

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Friendly Direction: Chapter 4

The way she was sitting, smiling, and regarding him, was reminding him of their many high school conversations and all those times she spent listening to his stories about football, spain, and his frequent break-ups.

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Stud-Sitting Part 4

Kipcha stared out the window of their "living room" and out over the grounds. However, this wasn't enough for her. She was still naked, having grown surprisingly comfortable with the idea after her little...

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