A Root Rat and a Wombat
I thought that i had maybe been a little rough, but nigel had the whole cot shaking before he was done. gertie had been driven up on the cot a good six or seven inches by the time he blew his load inside.
Decisions and Regrets (Ch. 5)
If you didn't read my last journal, i'm going to try and commit to an hour of writing per day, on cots for now, and on other projects once we reach a good place to rest for a bit. but in the meantime!
Backed Up
Marlow nodded as he self-consciously wiped his muzzle on his thick forearm and slowly stood up with his thighs at the edge of the cot.
Chapter One (Day one)
I sat there, on my cot, wondering about tomorrow, i`d be at the firing range all day. i wouldn`t be able to see bulldog walk through the gates like i usually do. i laid back into the cot and drowned into a sea of dreams.
The Prisoner - Part 2
The man spoke softly, moving toward the cot the other had passed out on, coming down to rest behind him, crowdign that cot with both of their form, phiz's arms comign to push and wrap around orion's glossy slick back skin, holding him close.
To Dream of Darkness - Ch 13
Molly returned soon, with a second barmaid who was a wolf carrying the other end of the cot. they set up the cot and blanket, and darla thanked them, giving each two coppers for the fast service.
Sea'an's Predicament
His mind reeled, dealing with the pain in his ankle and the threat of the knife the gnoll has just put into the cot mere inches from his face.
Pack of Two, Part 3
Marcus asked, standing in front of his cot in the darkness. "well, i could tell you, but i think i'd rather show you." john said. marcus was already pulling off his shirt, and heading for his cot.
Space Between Us - Chapter 5
Jamey slipped out of the cot.
Blue and Gray - Chapter 4: Cataract
He was laying on some kind of a cot in a darkened drawing room, tastefully furnished.
Blood Rose-23
She wore a circlet of pearls and assorted teeth around her head and she smiled a bit before settling onto the cot across from him. she had an odd smile, strangely toothless.
Summerwind's Journey, Part 1
His feet hadn't touched the floor, even though the cot wasn't a half-foot off the bed. somehow, without the cot appearing taller, or him shorter, or the floor farther away, his feet didn't touch the floor.