Coming to Terms
Part of my mind was screaming that this was messed up, but it was an excellent remedy for my insomnia. the exams came and went in a manic blur, but i walked out feeling that i had done well.
A Better Life Chapter 1 (Revised)
Sasha knew that it wasnt the truth since james had gotten a slight case of insomnia since his parents had passed. "well we had better go, or else we'll be late... again." said sasha with a hint of anger in her voice.
What Am I Good For?
Damn insomnia; it not only keeps me awake but it keeps me thinking. thinking, i chuckle. yeah, thinking about what a crappy fox i am in this world; one of the most unique as well.
Delicate Delicacy
Our dragon looked to the south, then, deciding he needed a drink to calm his nerves and oust his insomnia, flapped himself into the air and started to head in that direction. his gaze didn't falter from the lake south of him.
CatDance #37
#46 of catdance insomnia in which kitty and mikael snuggle in with ubergard, kitty tries to lure mikael into a threesome, and mikael gets his own ideas. | then lurbuk began to sing again and the two bid jonna a good night, hastening to leave the room.
3:9 Lucid
Kicking in like clockwork, his insomnia kept him from reaching a deep sleep. only this time with that dream, he was glad he had woken up. thinking about the blood dripping from the zebra's mouth, he hadn't wanted the dream to continue.
At a Whisper
"so, you have insomnia?" "yeah. basically." the mouse on the other end said, "wish i was over there." a yearning in his voice. "yeah," the squirrel whispered. nodding. "so do i."
ever had one of those nights?
(not likely) its just known that you arn't going to get any sleep this night... thats where i was at last night... so let me tell you my tale of insomnia.
A Dramatic Touch
Long had the young, grape colored yoshi suffered under the haunting grasp of insomnia. he'd found himself stricken with anxieties and set upon by babbling fears that perpetually taunted him from the voice deep within his own skull.
Meeting an A(SM)rtist [Commission]
Just a few quick words on how she had cured their insomnia. "if you can help a professional hypnotist sleep, you can help anyone!" any more interactions than that would have felt odd, so that was as far as carrow took it.
The 13th Song
At times, if i feel like insomnia, i would listen to classical music to help me sleep. but now ?" "okay," i made up my mind.
Buying the dragons. [Intro]
Along the walls a few decorations were placed, a desk and chair with a few towers of melted wax. 6 months of staying awake at night adding numbers writing letters and insomnia had finally paid off, early morning a bull banged on the large oak doors waking