Brandy's Nightmare Part 2 - Brandy In Training
The two girls took off their karate suits, laid on their futons and went to sleep. to be concluded...
Kiba and Masaru (part2)
"i think it would be a very good idea to work on your karate every day. it will keep you in practice and hopefully it will increase my fighting skills.
Two brothers
You're looking real handsome, that karate has kept you fit.", russell told. "no wonder the girls kept following you, with a body like that."
Brothers, or more? part 2
"machoke use karate chop, then use low kick!" the bulky pokemon started running towards ludicolo, with his he threw the karate chop, but ludicolo dodged it easily and continued dancing, then rain clouds started to form in the sky.
David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.34 - Meeting Oreburgh's Gym Leader)
"okay machop use karate chop!" the superpower pokemon nodded as he begins charging towards the gecko pokemon again with his arm glowing. "this again? alright treecko jump up to dodge machop!"
My girl is a boy part 3 - First proper meeting
I know karate. now why are you stalking me? the mouse said and stood in a karate stance that anybody could see she got from a movie. jake chose to stop none the less to stop making her frightened. "i am not stalking you i just want to talk."
The Tournament 2
And the karate master rushed at chan but was kicked hard dircetly in the air, but the force of the kick caused him to fly high into the sky and through a cloud and come back down to make a crater in the ring.
Ticklish Pleasure.
He'd come only recently from karate training and, truth be told, hadn't had the chance to strip out of his white karate headband as yet, the excess of which dangled down the back of his head, between his paler horns.
The Star Attractions: A Pink and Blue Diaperfur Adventure Part 2
"i know, i know," the weasel whispered to the oversized baby coon, patting him on the back of his karate outfit. "soon. soon. we're almost done. hush."
My life as a furry (Surprise’s and Crush’s Part 1)
"im glade i took karate or i may not have won this one." stated luan "he is the worst homophobe i have ever met!" spat luan ian and luan started heading for the exit. "h-hey where do you think your going?"
Ticklish Pleasure
He'd come only recently from karate training and, truth be told, hadn't had the chance to strip out of his white karate headband yet, the excess of which dangled down the back of his head, between his paler horns.
Hello Kitty Accidentally Kicks a Boy
Hello kitty was practicing her karate moves in the courtyard during school recess. "hello kitty! i got something to show you!" hello kitty was so in the zone, she didn't notice someone coming up behind her.