The Royal Gryphon's Negotiations
The gryphon talos meets with a foreign canine princess to negotiate a truce, and come to a very agreeable arrangement...
Under the Table Negotiations
_Hey. Well this is something I threw together the other night in about two hours. I got the urge to just sit down and right some smut. What preceeds is not particularly ground breaking, but it is a start for me after months of lacking much of any drive...
Alien Negotiation Tactics
It really hadn't been a negotiation. a button here, a lever there, and soon the teleporter pod began to glow. reuben nervously fiddled with his hands while he waited.
One-sided Negotiations
But if she asked for too much, the bear would just roll his eyes and the tentative negotiation would end right then.
A Different Kind of Negotiation
"You've failed, can you not see that?" A malicious voice called out to the red dragon causing him to look around in panic. All he could see was darkness, nothing there to guide him except for the voice that seemed to come from all directions. At...
1- Failed Negotiations
She knew she wouldn't find anything wrong, like the last four times, but it was all she could do to take her mind off the negotiations to come...the negotiations she was to be part of, because her father couldn't attend.
Lady of Negotiable Virtue
/eyebrow wiggle lady of negotiable virtue by kandrel just as cheba had once told me, there was a hole between the roots of the old oak.
Negotiations Break Down
He had thought he was ready for these 'negotiations.' he had been wrong. it wasn't the sort of thing one could easily be ready for. she may have been older than him, but age had not loosened her lower muscles.
Opening Trade Negotiations
Edward Clayton let out a quiet sigh as he peered out of the wagon, watching the city roll past. To say it was hot would've been an understatement. "Ed, Close that cover," his father hissed back at him. The stallion leaning back and letting the flap...
We Don't Negotiate
It's illegal for you to negotiate with us, all thanks to your new policy? mmm. i know you have always respected the law."
The Dragons of Worloch: Rise of the Dragon Empire; Chapter 1: The City of Dracondor
"you're so called negotiations where shaky, as if they weren't even planed but made up on the spot, along with the self mumbling about what to do next" "we are here for peace." "really?
That's a Wrap! 8
Tags: m/m, blackmail, cat, lion, lioness, orc, anal, fondling, frotting, negotiations, drunk, legal, triumph, series,