Joining The Order
He wasn't going to miss out, not now, not simply because he wanted into the order of the iron shoe, but because he had been told that the mark would be burned off if he didn't make it.
Made To Order
No one's as easy to order around and warp as someone who's been thoroughly railed into a state of bliss." "i would have to say that's not entirely an overstatement," ambrose confirmed.
Order Up
Feedback always welcome to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) order up ©mmiv whyte yoté deep in the heart of the city, traffic flows as lifeblood among the caverns of steel and concrete.
A Prequel to Order
She'd been told to watch herself as she flew through the skies, and observed the wolven den from afar. Her clan's leader told her that the werewolves were known to snatch dragons right out of the sky, but she paid no mind to his warning. How could...
Following orders
His aid honked the horn of the jeep, howard looked up and composed himself, "i'm just following orders..." he murmered to himself.
Maid to Order
Day felt as though her heart were going to burst with the joy of being given an order. her uniform felt a similar rebound of pleasure as it gently tightened and squeaked against her. "of course miss! right away miss!"
Maid to Order
The chair he was sitting in was a simple, albeit expensive and well designed, office chair, with arm rests on the sides, if the maid were to try climbing up in order to ride him, it would be a very awkward experience.
Natural Order
That such desires always ended up with mahiri on top just seemed like the natural order of things. big cats dominated those sweet ungulates, no matter how much of a size advantage ari might have had. that was how it had always been.
Ordering to Go
Patreon reward vignettes this one is for forest wolf aka fa: spottedsqueak , who gets very insistent and greedy regarding yours truly, in the best ways :3c tris is at his job selling concessions on a commuter train when a familiar face shows up, ready to order
Naruto's Order
"so, are you refusing my order?" sasuke scoffed. "order? you may be the hokage but you still can't boss me around." naruto nodded and looked back out the window. sasuke also looked out, thinking the matter resolved.
Master's orders
"since you are in a more honest mood, mind telling me why you keep going out at night despite my orders?" "no." "too bad, i want the truth." xander's body stiffened again as the runes around his neck glowed, "dick."
Out of Order
But to his dismay, he found the door locked, a sign hanging off of the knob that said "out of order." he sighed. he could already feel himself sweating like crazy.