The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 10: Smoke

They all remained silent for a few minutes and at the moment they believed danger was over they chocked as they felt mushroom trebling a bit under their pawns.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 8: Battleground

Cynder blocked spyro's mouth with her pawn and gave another kiss. after she broke kiss spyro raised his head and gazed upon stars. thinking what that dream would mean. "chronicler." spyro said quietly. "chronicler?" "yes.

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Welcome to the Eggman Empire

* * * inside the base, a lone egg pawn was guarding the elevator that leads to the entrance, making sure no intruders could get in.

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Twenty

Sanic had been taking the collections that bear had kept and was pawning them to earn money from the outside world. so far the 'junk' pawned had not amounted to much.

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[1/2] Fake ID, Real Consequences

"you got this from some pawn shop over in the north part of town, right?" her stunned silence was enough for him to shake his head and turn back to the line.

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My Journey Through High School: Chapter 7: The First Regional Chess Tournament

Fifteen moves in and i'm up a pawn and a knight for a material advantage. i also had major space, development, and tempo advantage, easily applying the basic principles into my play. the match still went on for quite a while.

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Wolves and Woes, A Coons and Theft Tale

All jack really had left were a few pawns, a knight and his king. rei was armed with little else, his queen, king, two rooks and one pawn.

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A Real Stand-Up Guy

The walk to moe's 24-hour pawn shop was not through the nicest part of town. topher always felt nervous walking among the boarded up apartment buildings, dark alleys, and convenience stores fortified with iron bars.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 22: Stars

He looked down to his pawn and saw that he had fallen to sleep against his chest. he gingerly lowered his pawn and he curled his tail and laid him middle of it. sparx mumbled something but he didn't catch what he said but it made him smile nevertheless.

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Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

For the scheme to work, the pawn must be ignorant. the first born son is john fastolf.

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Testing anxiety

But you had been at the wrong party at the wrong time; a pawn in the cosmic game of chess god liked to play with his creations.

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Knothole High: Playing for Fun

Steele moved his pawn and rescued his queen. "check." allan blinked. the pawn-turned-queen had his king in check. he cursed softly and was forced to move his king. then he saw the end. steele moved one more pawn and suddenly... game over.

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