Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 50: Weep For The Future, Weep For Us All (The Other World Part V)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 50: Weep For The Future, Weep For Us All (The Other World Part V)** Day N/A (It doesn't matter, my life is no longer my own.) I followed Boris back up the trail from the beach into the jungle as...

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Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 2 Royally Screwed

Like i said a couple of times a year we would screw up and do something that i would get at least a couple of lashes for. when i was around 12 the boys my age were moved to the junior high school and housed with the boys that were 12-14 years old.

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Yiff the Fox

"yiff the fox, tuppence a screw. tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a screw." though her words are simple and few, listen, listen, she's calling to you... "yiff the fox, tuppence a screw.

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Wolves, huskies and men

He was thinking about how to get a wolf, and in walks one thats horny enough to both get sucked off and screwed without a stop. by the looks of it though, the poor fella still needs a couple of good screws.

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Untitled Love

"i'm screwing the guy downstairs," i said. "what?" he asked. he spread and wiggled his fingers in me and thrust them in and pulled them out of me. "i'm screwing the guy downstairs," i said. "now was that so hard?" he asked me.

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Eleven

I wasn't sure what i was seeing exactly so i had a few screws left over and when the image appeared i tossed a screw into it to see if anything happened." "and did it?" arty asked. "the screws vanished!

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Sarah and Josh (2 *part one*)

I stood and left the ears and the box on the floor to go to the kitchen table and put the items down, finding myself a hand held screw driver and a decent sized screw.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 91: Line of Defense

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 91: Line Of Defense Day 198 (10:06 PM Lady Ursa's chambers.) \*GRRRR\* "That is one perturbed looking bear you have there Alex." My lioness said as we enter my warrior bear's bedroom and attempted to...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 57: My Place In This World Part I

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 57: My Place In This World Part I** Evening: (six hours after ONE ruined the World Four Cookout.) "We are going hunting?! But, but master!" **_No YOU are going hunting._** The entity said reading...

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Bestial Heaven

Billy wows as he sees the humans screwing their loves. there are dogs screwing humans and humans screwing dogs. he gasps and gets aroused as he sees horses screwing their human mates.

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24 I woke from an uneasy sleep early in the morning. The sun had barely started to rise, and most of the world outside was still black. I tossed and turned in my bed a few times and tried to become comfortable again, but I wasn't going to be able to...

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