Twilight Time
I flipped over the spinner and ripped off its dome with the heavy hydraulics of my first response suit's arm actuators. luckily for mr. vip the spinner's crash foam had time to deploy.
Savor Sister
She gave steve a smile and tossed the spinner to him and he spun it. "alright right foot paws red" he muttered to alice as he put his right foot paw on the red circle sighing softly.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-eight
spinner showed a great deal of logic when he walked around the other side of dizzy when he lowered himself down. "...maybe lopside will just open the gate before then again and we won't have to wait..."
Can't Hold Us
Making the anthro stare at it for a few moments before just setting it down and walking to the spinner.
Miklagard (Teaser)
Yet there it finally was, just as the spinners promised! the golden heart of the greatest of cities. it broke through the fog like a second sunrise, banishing the shimmering mists back into the bay, as if night would never again hold sway.
Lions in the Metal Jungel part 2
From having my life threaten by zira and then nala ,braking a view of my mother pots ,as she was spinning her self on the spinner on the wwe title belt. " sorry ." nala said to me ashamed ,about what she did ,looking at destroyed china.
The Cohen Loop, Ch 7
I... just didn't understand why spinner and i got different grades when we missed the same number of questions." the teacher blinked letting out a click of consideration before answering, "i see..."
Nether Encyclopaedia: The Realm.
The hive are ruled by four royal species of the swamp: thread spinners, carriers, venom siphons and moon husks.
Battle Master (Ch 1 Teaser)
He had been called a sorraachan-- a fate spinner, and he could do more than see what would or could be; he could influence it. of course, it was just one more reason he had ended up a prisoner... not that he'd realized it at at the time.
Childhood Friends
. _~ 8 years ago_ "left foot green," cercie announced, slipping hone of her ribbons away from the spinner as she watched her sibling weave her foot through the entanglement of limbs planted on the spotted rug.
) - from arthropod came neith, the spider goddess of time, spinner and weaver of destiny. (it is no longer known where she lives.) the three twins born from the human female were: - hades son of dragon and ruler of the sky, he has power over fire.
Wolf Spider 4
Her spinner twinges with the instinct to web him and wrap him up for later use. if he gave in here, she would do just that. she smiled knowingly at him, "one little fuck and the pup is all tired out?" much to her joy, he didn't.