Starfall: Chapter 1: One Small Step For Mammal Kind

No one had to say it when they were handed a memo that instead of a live broadcast, they'd be recorded and time-shifted an hour.

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Taste of fish (Feat: Jasper)

"what's wrong kitty, i thought you liked being recorded?~" "i-i do, but that's the trainer's phone!!"

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The Warrior (Toe)Ring

You'll be recorded as someone that helped discover this lost civilization's secrets. you'll have your name in history books.

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Lost Haven: Aunt Ruth

However, if my mission succeeds, or if i die in glory of defending a cause...i want my legacy to be recorded somewhere. for now this letter will have to do. jake andrews ps.

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Mind Control Story: Unsecured Sound Test

No, he was looking for a certain mischievous lion, who had disappeared with nothing but a note saying that he'd be recording music on the beach.

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The Tournament 2

On the veiw screen will be two names and they will be recorded by our judges and who ever loses will be removed and the winner will be enterd to the second round so lets get it on!!!!!" the croud cheered as all eyes turend towards the veiw screen.

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A Life Yet Lived - Prologue

"this is being recorded on my laptop," she replied, running her fingers through dirty blond hair, "in case you didn't realize. i need you to tell me yourself, as part of my scientific data. it's a requirement. now, start over."

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05 - Luna’s Call

The bards shall never sing of our deeds nor be recorded by the histories by scribes. thus far thy agency has served well in whispering shadow. but now thy prowess has earned thee more.

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Slave Hunter, 10

Because this interview will be recorded i am obliged to tell you that you can have a lawyer present during your interview, and because we know who your lawyer is i suggest that it might be prudent to give him a ring" the doberman's head drops in defeat.

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Genesis Part Four, Euquine

New things started to be recorded, cameras caught what could only be called a dragon on video. it's huge size and video of it hunting were the subject of countless discussions.

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Street Brawlers

If signal allowed, their fight would be broadcast live to the triad servers, it not, it would be recorded and uploaded later for verification. ayami cracked her knuckles and rolled her head side to side before stretching in preparation.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 40

"they're the ones who trapped him there, there should be records of them going to the cave." he looked at yanik. "can you get into their files?" "the orrs?" the kangaroo said. "you mean the tigers in san francisco?" oscar nodded.

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