Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.3 Myrh

He motioned to the stone wall, "the doors are magically sealed. you can open them with a touch." the magus moved around the jackal and pressed his paw to the wall; the door opened immediately and without a sound.

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Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 12 A Plan for Attack

." \*\*\* locked inside a laser grid visstle stripped of her armor and wrapped in anti-magic seals sits in her minuscule holding cell, a lone chair being her only amenity. in spite of her predicament her spirit still seems strong.

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To Boldly Hoof It Ch 11. The Princess's Offer

No sure what to do with them, they had left them tied up and locked them in a spare bedroom.since one of the guards had been a unicorn, trixie had placed an anti-magic seal spell on the room she had learned to make no magic able to be used in the room.

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Terms of Service - Chapter 8

He knew he didn't have time to unlock the probably magically sealed front door, so through a window was his best bet. he hit the glass dead centre, it went thump and he bounced back into the waiting embrace of cool, slithering black scales!

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Red and Blue

A new magical seal formed in the shape of an invisible cock rick that kept the dragon in a perpetual climax. the pleasure constantly built up inside him, going from unbearable to maddening.

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Changes under a moon

It almost seemed as if their fur was glowing in the moonlight the magic sealing their fate caused by the strange wolves who had intruded into their pack's territory.

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Enslimed Thief 2

Unfortunately for me, ferrick styles himself a self-taught mage and his vault door is magically sealed as such, and neither i nor naeoth can pick a runic slab of stone.

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Hugo pulled the door open, the magic seal releasing with a wet sound. "did either of you see a hoard out there?" "no.... i did think that was strange." oz replied, brow furrowed.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 39

Releasing the magic seal, the feline person walked in first, then karkas and narati. the room was not lit by mage-light at first, but the feline person turned on one on his hand.

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He stopped walking when buck stopped, and buck's golden magic sealed the door shut. "w-what is the meaning of this?" lucas asked, looking up at buck, who gave him a gentle smile.

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