Aaru - Chapter 28 (A New Prophecy)
It was common place for missions such as this to be led by a champion of the guardian deities, but even i knew that this was out of the ordinary for one of the guardian deities to appear at an event such as this.
Aaru - Chapter 30 (The Never-Ending Trial)
I turned around to see callen and jan'zar entering, followed by another individual i recognised from the meeting of the guardian deities. if memory served me right, he was gallium; the guardian deity of craftsmen.
[Personal] A Special Night
They kept at it for a bit, god and beast, until the latter finished inside her for the first, but certainly not the last time of the night.
My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess)
Seeing his selfless act, a beautiful fox-goddess thanks him the best way she could. my secret girlfriend (is a goddess) the sun beat down on a fairly hot summer day.
Short coming Success
The deity who is worshipped by assassins and thieves...alike?" "exactly." alexander said, never taking his eyes off of kissaki, who kept that perfected poker face with a cocked brow.
Twilight Storm (Story)
A bonus for being a deity in the works. "i'm trying!" he panted, struggling to keep from sinking into the soggy ground. "couldn't you just fly us there?" "yeah no. not in your condition."
Legendary Chaos - Chapter 4: Bath-le of the Hot Springs
god damn it!)_ his sub-consciousness tried calling back to him but apparently, it's failing at trying to un-trance him. he stepped out of the bath as well, following giratina's lead.
Draykan's Spiritual Journey
I am a goddess, and your wishes, i am most eager to help grant." "you're a goddess?" draykan asks, bowing down to one knee before her. "forgive me, but i do not recognize you, even if i am in awe."
Aaru - Chapter 21 (The Willows Abode)
It was as if a deity of music had appeared before us and graced us with an amazing display of prowess and talent, that no mortal could ever hope to replicate! if the night had ended there i would have been completely satisfied.
Repeated Loops
She had been a heretic of the god ka'lesh. it was not untrue. she was a scientist, and had never been a devout to any god.
Short Story Exercise 1: Sahira’s Mega Sized Fun
The lizard goddess then rolls over and begins rubbing her breasts so the hung shark god would feel his dick go in between like a credit card. tr'avo growls in pleasure as his cock begins hardening and swelling.
A Fatal Mistake (Ch. 6)
Strange and unexplainable urge to become the sex slave of a heathen god? what happened after he pulled you into his mind? i'm curious."