Student Affairs of the Hopelessly Elite [Pt.3]

**student affairs of the hopelessly elite** **by: beaverreturn** ** [3/4]** **part 7** leonard returned to the study where waiting for him in the reference section was clyde.

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Student Affairs Of the Hopelessly Elite [Pt. 2]

_ _so, what's the point of getting crushes on the hopelessly straight? the dog lowered his head. he had been so certain, certain enough to try, to really try. _ _how come it always ended up going so wrong?

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The Taste of Terror Chapter 4: Hopeless Case

He wanted it so badly the very thought made his breath quicken and a wave of hopeless longing rise in his chest.

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Hopeless Liberation (PJ sequel) Chapter 1

**Chapter 1** **Peter** Dante raised his thin sword into the air above him, the metal glowing in the orange light of the sunset, and swung it down towards me. Luckily, I was quick enough to bring my own sword up and block the wolf's attack, which...


Forced Entry (Commission, NSFW)

Soft snores came from Rybecca's slightly parted maw as she slept, none of the anxiety and stress that plagued her during the day apparent on her face. She had gotten home from a stressful day at work and crashed, making a quick cucumber salad and...

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Same Old, Same Old

I am helpless to fears, and i am hopeless to my dreams. i am a man flawed, and i can't help that. through taking stock, i found a broken husk of a kid, a soul with no fire, and a mind filled with rot.

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Doloroso Despertar

hopelessly (entusiasmada) sí, dance. ¡vamos ya! al fin llegamos a sweet apple acres. el granero había sido reparado, y mostraba un color más brillante y llamativo. el lugar estaba lleno de ponis que nos la bienvenida a hopelessly y a mí.

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Poem: For My Mom

I'll die forever hopeless. i'll die because i care. i'll die because of hopelessness. i'll die because i dared. i'll die because i hoped and dreamed that my mom would just care. i die 'cause she would never see. i die 'cause she refused.

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The Human Species Ch.9 - Hopeless Romantic Rukario

![murial9.png]( "I'm dumping this thing..." Zerobi muttered as she tore her cloak off and threw it away, "Stupid thing did nothing but hinder me the entire time..." For an instant Lucario felt...

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A Letter from Alex to Kasia

A Letter from Alex to Kasia * * * (No one is allowed to take credit for this work apart from me. If you want to use it somehow, I would appreciate it if you were to get in touch with me first.) * * * (Read and enjoy. This can be thought of as a...

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The Pursuit ~ Part 3

_baby, baby i wanna be true you gotta knock me out some other way and i want to be with the sun and the moon i've been hopeless i've been ...

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His eyes opened, and more tears, this time of fearful hopelessness, traced their patterns numbingly across his features, leaving gray trails of dead, crumbling skin and feathers in their wake.

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