Starting a Game of Hyde and Seek

He might as well be dead considering the extent of his injuries. but his mind was still in there so there was hope for the rest of him. she laughed grimly to herself. the rest of him... he was missing parts.

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Unholy Smoke

The rings seemed to be handling his latest attack better than the injuries from the daggers. there had to be something about those weapons that made them effective against the kind.

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 8

Fire to Fire "(Artios, we are ready)," said one of the hellhounds to the heavily augmented hellhound. Artios, a cyborg, led the ambush to Arbal, the same town where he managed to defeat his rival. His purpose there was the same. It was to...

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Nova Wars 3: Disguise

? Nova Wars Chapter 3: Disguise By Draconicon With the contract signed, Operation Taloned Freedom was instantly underway. Though Klim would have preferred to stop and rename it, there was no real choice in the matter, and for once,...

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The Cost Of Illicit Activity In Central Park

**The Cost Of Illicit Activity In Central Park** By: DankeDonuts []( "Uh, hello? 911? This Mastiff just tried to mug me, and ... Oh! Central Park... Ummmummmummm... Park...

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Cast and Broken

Mists gathered on the mountain, twisted and swirling before coming down and through the town at the base. The mists were heavy enough that it was difficult to see going up the mountain and more than that, the people took it as an omen that the spirits...

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Pete nervously poked his head out of his burrow, his senses on high alert. Sniffing and swiveling his ears, he slowly crawled out of the hole then raised up on his hind legs and peered in all directions. Seeing no predators, he...

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Father Vs Son

# Leon Priest Vs Abel "Hard" Knox Submarine Arena - Round 1 It was nearly dusk, as the sun descended slowly with sharks amassing to feast on fish or whatever they could find that landed in the water, like a certain Hybrid or Panda, While, Abel, A...

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Task Force - Hurt and Healing

Blackness. My eyes began to open. Everything was blurry. I blinked a couple of times. There was a red haired figure standing over me. I blinked again and they were gone. ...

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Other Options - Part 9

I had this terrible feeling that I hadn't seen the last of Jeanine after that day she had shown up at the apartment. That encounter went from being surprising, to being creepy, and finally it came damn close to me punching that bitch right in the mouth...

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Guro Challenge #18: Ball-Jointed Doll

She lay still, breathing hard through gritted teeth, as the ratguards' calloused paws ran over her, checking for further injuries. she was rolled over, and their claws raked through her fur again before one pulled her to her feet.

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Slayer or Layer 47

Slayer or Layer 47 For Lorvianne By Draconicon It didn't take long to pick up signs of the griffons catching their trail. Lorkos noticed it first, but Lia wasn't far behind. The squad was keeping low as they followed, but...

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