Humbling the jocks chap 3
#3 of humbling the jocks this is a little writing colab i am doing with hermes12... humbling the jocks chap 3 as donny closed and locked brenda's bedroom, the young dragon felt a shudder of delight run through him.
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The diaper jock sagged a bit as it filled with his urine.
Husky and Jock part 1
The jock didn't have any answer, his lips immediately caught in a fierce, aggressive kiss, any words he had lost in the shocked groan from having his ass pierced roughly, so suddenly.
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He really did want to help his jock friend about this, he knew he could do it if he wanted to, but being a jock certainly didn't help the sheppie with his academic performance.
Mini Story - Orc Jock
\*Slam!\* Tom's eyes darted around the room as his hand rushed for the door handle. With a small "click" he was finally able to engage the lock and isolate himself in his room. Feeling his heart race, he looked around. After being surrounded for so...
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A couple more had him in a very penitent frame of mind, and he bent down to place his muzzle nice and close to the jock stallion's ears. "now hear this pony.
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Had he been able to see, he would have seen them kissing finally, the doe and cow locked in a sensual embrace over his body, using his muzzle and his cock, and his jock body for their own pleasure.
SNG Ch4. Jock Strapped
The jock snickered to himself as he jerked his pecker inches away from the glistening, pink pucker.
Humbling the jocks Chap 5
Donny turned and looked hard at the big roan jock, with smeared makeup all over his muzzle and a bloody mouth.
Humbling the jocks Chap 4
Jim chuckled, thinking the young jock stallion had been masturbating under water. the older horse slid around the tub, and threw a arm around the trembling jock.
The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 6 - Scott's Van
The GreenMount Chronicles, Chapter 6 "Scott's Van" "I know what you like to do," Scott said. The sky was blue and the air was warm. The kind of day with so much light you squint when you look up. Summer. The last day of school, in fact. ...
Iron Author #1: Helping with His Problem
"Ahh!" He cried out as he was shoved hard and fell to the ground. The books in his arms went flying down the tiled hallway, and there were snickers and jeers coming from the passing students. He snatched his books from the floor, and was forced to...