A visit from the Landlord
Did the neighbours complain about something" the chipmunk nodded and smiled before she hopped up from the couch. he watched her walk off to her right and right up to his balcony doors. monty followed and she nodded out the window.
Ferret Chess
Luckily after the invading vikings left, some neighbouring anthropologists came through and built museums and galleries to remind us of what once was.
A beneficient bite
I give a shit on my neighbours! they can blabber what they want! if they want to hurt you, they first have to pass me and my shotgun." ,whispered susannah fanatically.
The young growing bulge next door
She also talks about it to her feline neighbours. bennett's mother thinks of his son's friend, karen, who is studying science at the same university as her child.
Just another Dog Chapter 1
We won the battle by sacrifice, with human strength, by slaughtering our neighbours with wings, our doctors with fangs, our daughters with fur, our sons with scales.
Welcome to the Neighbourhood
Some unexpected motion in the corner of his eye pulled his attention to the windows overlooking the neighbour's yard.
Oh White! (Part I)
Behind the house there was a large, nice garden with high grass and big bushes hiding the fence to the neighbours at the left hand side. now the dream was complete and the joy in my heart couldn't finish.
Fortunately for the lion he had no neighbours so his guest could shout their lust as much as they wanted with out attracting attention.
KS: My Next Door Neighbour
He spoke aloud, drawing the mutt's attention away from the poolside where the fox wandered, "well, we're going for the father-son type deal, except of course he's not your son; he's your neighbour's son.
New Neighbours part 2, Housewarming
#2 of new neighbours as always, feedback is much appreciated! characters: rowan blackrat, an athletic 25 year-old black rat.
Tentacle Play: Her Special Plant (erotic eBook teaser)
It was a good thing, however, that verity, always a green thumb in the garden, had grown tall trees at the border of her residential home - to block the view of the neighbours on days like that.
The Secret Game
Over at his neighbour's house, melissa had been spending the last few hours on her computer, keeping an eye on the time to make sure may followed her bedtime.