Chasing Tail

He leaned his body in the direction he wanted to go while his eyes scanned every possible inch of the biological quagmire. meanwhile, enid would look up on occasion ever so slightly in case she had to give chase.

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Pulled Over For Speeding III

The tiger was within reach of jake who was glad of it since his right boot felt like it was in a deep quagmire of wet swampy doggy pre cum. "stop" jake commanded as he walked up to frisk the tiger.

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Tangled Webs

Tangled webs copyright 2014 comidacomida if the evening with tanner hadn't been enough to pull paul from the quagmire of too many thoughts then the night certainly had done the trick.

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Sonata's Story - Chapter Six

The rain flooded the desert, turning sand and dirt to mud, and reshaping the land into a treacherous quagmire.

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Sheep-Dog, Ch 12 - Damned if You Do

There was a delay when they were halfway to the border as bad weather turned the roads into quagmires.

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He Was a Monster: a Bal'kar Story

His past was a more impenetrable quagmire; the shapes of memories were bloated figures, some only just breaking the surface, the rest of them, the bodies deeper, were indistinct and alien to him.

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How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 12

I thought that road was a quagmire now." asked sasha. john knew that what she had said was right, the interstate having been destroyed completely by the kss near the beginning of the war.

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Starring Tiny

And now that mike had gotten himself trapped in this legal quagmire, the four-and-a-half inch length (or so) just seemed appropriate, to the horse's sense of fairness and justice.

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Diary of a Wanton Mimic

Carefully cultivated gardens had been pummeled and each lawn had become a quagmire of mud, but chase only saw beauty. it had taken about six blocks before the itching had started to cover chase's legs.

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Charmed And Stoked

And it was more or less precisely what he needed at this moment, this lowest point he could imagine, something that could make him feel better than anything he'd ever known was the only thing that could truly pull him out of that quagmire, a fierce

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 30

It was a quagmire of the mental kind, holding her fast, unwilling to let go, it took all that she had to unwind the tethers and return to her own body. pain welled up in her bones as the work around her began to take shape.

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Into The Mouths Of Madness

._ animals do not frighten me; they never have, even in hideous quagmires such as this one. observing the beast stirs a sense of... serenity in me. sometimes after a day's labour, i'd sit and watch the forest interact with itself.

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