For the Good of All

You will understand, she had said, when you become the shamaness. but she did not, and her mother could not help her now. she was gone.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 21 - Wolves

She was the pack's shamaness. though white had overrun the tan fur of her youth, her posture and movements were that of one much younger in years.

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An Evil Forgotten Chapter 10 - Zecora & Chrysalis

Smaller pony mare the demon stallion had gone into something of a darked blessed protector mode; it was all that zecora could do not to roll her eyes as she thought over how protective, and smothering, the black horse had been after he realized that the zebra shamaness

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 7- Waterlilies

Shortly after her ascension to adulthood they had found out that she was magically talented and she had started an apprenticeship with the local shamaness. but then rustlan and his friend had showed up.

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Shemalia, Chapter 4: Hello Darkness My Old Friend

And how, in a sand-swept street in a sprawling city in one of those distant lands, she had run afoul of a magic-wielding shamaness and been cursed with the body of a woman. "it's reversible, isn't it?"

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 26 – Wyn

The wolves have shamanesses. true, they can't be chief, but they are not excluded from decision making councils, and they play a strong role in determining the fates of their packs." "i would like those things, ma'am.

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Skyworld Act 2

"the shamaness in my rookery sometimes told stories about the place when i was a very little girl. they were the sorts of stories you tell children to make them behave," she gave kanda har a wry smile.

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Pursuit and Capture

"she came over this morning and gave you and serena these," she said, opening her purse and handing them their gifts from the puman shamaness.

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