NNC: Day Two
The cum sloshing around your body from how much you were moving both yourself and the balls. a sleepy groan could barely be heard and you took that as a sign that your efforts might be working.
Wade out to Sea
Intent on getting closer, the young wolf continued sloshing forward, smiling when he saw the girl flick and curl her tail above water, almost like.. like she was beckoning him.
Royal Cravings
May's sloshing belly and widened hips dominated the double-wide walkways, leaving little space for anyone headed the opposite direction.
Mice in the Milk
sloshing through the milky stream, miss underwood stood before him, wrapping her arms around his belly and back. she licked his nose. his tail grabbed hers, coiling around it.
Experimenting (Vore Story)
Even neil himself could smell a little bit of it, knowing just how much milk was sloshing around inside of there, swelling up the chamber.
Someone at the Door (Vore Story)
Winston moved aside silently while opening the door, unable to keep his eyes off of neil's enormous package as it just swayed and sloshed to-and-fro with every step the deer made.
Collars and Callories 04
Each failed attempt to wiggle or slosh free was punctuated with another bome-rattling burp, until finally, he exhausted himself and gave up.
Roger Rabbits round experience
Finally in the room the girl hugged his huge belly and worshipped it literally, she pushed him onto her bed, his big gut sloshing and swoshing around and started worshipping his feet.
Capacity Challenge ~ M Lopunny X M Audino
Lopunny's cum-filled potbelly had a hypnotic sway upon his frame, the unmistakable sound of sloshing heard as he climbed upon audino.
Wet Cement: Chapter 12-2: Sleep
"ooo, thank you slosh." pearson was pretty sure that was tack's voice. "no problem sir," slosh said. "objections to 'pet'?" tack said.
Bred Princess
Just as much as before, competing with the previous load for position as it sloshed its way inside of her womb.
Six Preds - Part 3 (Vore Story)
Akkure's balls were nice and full, sloshing with every thrust the sylveon made...mmph, he was going to enjoy this!