The Beast of 2012, Ch 2: Changing Times
But, the slug he bit down on yielded easily, the liquid inside being pressed towards the tail of the slug, and the slug's tough, flexible rubbery skin not breaking.
Vivian's New Pet, A Tale of Erotic Horror
A pleasure slug, yes, that was it. well, it certainly did look like a slug, but she knew it was anything but a simple mollusk.
This hell known as Earth!
Reaching the inn he pays 5 slugs for a room and continues upstairs. reaching his room he pushes on the ground looking for loose boards. upon finding one he takes his bag of slugs and places them under the board.
[DolphinSanity] "No, Sir"
Teryx had been making a perhaps too-subtle jab at the idea that the slugs themselves didn't like to show off their _real_ bodies, but it had wooshed past sir's awareness and led to the slug talking about his host.
His entire chubby body gone, his neck coated with mud, and the slug (along with 2 other slugs) began to slither on ezekiel's snout and face. one on his right eye, forcing him to close that eye.
Feeling Sluggish
Theron shouted, hoping somehow that would deter them only to see the slugs continue. "iris! help!"
Some of the slugs were trying to get into her through her nipples. the slugs would not stop. her orifices were forced wider with no regard for her comfort, until the slugs could slide into her through her breasts.
Doom River
Elena sows salt in front of the slug queen which becomes a wall of coarse salt that the slug queen recoils from. a surprisingly beautiful voice issues forth from the slug queen's mouth as she sings a song of praise to refuse in all its forms.
Cameron's Crass Crusade
She took a seat at one side of the table and began to gulp down the slugs, slime dripping from her lips. cameron sat down on the opposite side of the table and yanked a slug from one of the platters.
Kinktober 2023 Story Sketches 31-35
The slugs do too, finally. and a cool finish where he cums and pisses at the same time.
Converted by the Queen
Not with the pleasure the slugs were giving her tits. she tried to argue about her cocks, but they were ignored. nothing but storage for the slugs. nothing but a place to breed more.
Toni gets Latexed
The slugs slid onto her bare stomach and under her bra, wrapping themselves aorund her left areolae.