Patreon 4 - Macross Xilimyth

:patreonicon: []( :patreonicon: **Preview Excerpt** "Macross Fifty-two, come in. This is VF-72 Specter requesting clearance to dock." "Macross Fifty-two, this is Z-72 Tinycat also...

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Castle On The Hill (Counting Stars Act 3)

**Castle On The Hill (Counting Stars Act 3)** By Bartan Tirix It was the soothing fresh air that banished the darkness from his scales, brushing it with a deep cyan that crawled from his inhaling chest down to the tip of his tail. A wonderful warmth,...

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Drunken Lullabies #14

swelling outwards like a largely overfilled parade balloon, approaching the volume of a cubic parking lot.

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Drunken Lullabies #15

Her tail lifting up as she felt his rod slide up and down her soaked slit, swearing her own sex was swelling up as well!

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The Broken Heart's Delight (Counting Stars Act 2)

Seeing the bulges in the forest of white and his belly start to swell up, the brass one tagged in. taking the weapon in his maw and drinking up the fountain of rainbow colors.

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The Blade grows dull

Breaking the blade... The Gym locker room was quieter than usual, but the clanks and boisterous discussion of sports never bothered Samuel either way. The lean silver fox had to work to ignore the usual musk though, but only because posing nude with...

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Masika Reborn, Origin Story

Her center ached as it swelled against the fabric straining about her middle, which now approached a full-term mother.

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Becoming Kurama's - Chapter 6

Becoming Kurama's - Chapter 6 Previously: "Well, I believe that your bladder is full of my cum now as well, isn't it? You probably feel like you need to pee because of that. I will reward you and let you choose where you want to dump my...

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Mother to Many

Chains rattled as they were pulled taut, bound to the struggling Kobold's limbs as she kicked and thrashed. The dank dungeon was dripping wet, cold, and oozing with foul smells. The only light that dared enter was that of weak sunbeams between...

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Showtime! (2020)

The chicken said as his beak opened wide with spittle that flew out and he gave a cry, the penis had begun to swell up.

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