Tora- The Shadow Badge
The felling increased ten-fold once he set his sights on his opponent again, a strong attraction for the dark type reaching unbelievable heights in the pit of his stomach.
Finding Shadow
With two dark type parents, you learn a thing or two about how to affect them with psychic. they taught me a few tricks, effectively letting me get around the immunity dark types have to my attacks.
Zen Head Butt
The dark type leaned forward to bury his shaft as deeply as it could go and the psychic type was happy to allow it.
Mighty Hung
So luxray retreated his tongue back in his mouth, turned around and stuck is ass right up in the air and swayed it around a few times to tease the mightyena, the dark-type just gawked at it. "c'mon then!
She who wanted to help
He tried to push the dark type off but her sharp claws started to dig into his chest. her hungry eyes wandered down the pants that protected the trainer's loins. "no, fay no i don't want this!" anthony fought, but the dark type had stopped listening.
A Complex Umbreon & Cat Relationship
She slipped her warm, soft, white furred fingers underneath the damp diminutive dark-type while shifting to lay down fully onto her front upon the bedsheets.
Cafe Plaisir: Fair Turnabout
Though not half as challenging as chai's, the dark type's teeth looking very sharp and his eyes even keener as he said, "i will... mutual bitch..."
The Bet, English/Pokemon Version Part 1
I'm a dark type, alright?! a hint of push tapped my arm. i just replied with a "no" by shaking my arm away subtly. suddenly, i was pushed off my chair. senses of pain vibrated through my body as i rubbed my head with a hand. "ow..."
He who passed a night of frights
The dark type asked. "it's a mega stone that allows a gengar to mega evolve all by its self..." the bed upon anthony sat rattled suddenly, upsetting those sitting on the plush surface. "what the... damn it doc get out of the bed!"
Pokemon: QATM Chapter 6
So, he needed an attack that would beat a dark-type easily, and that was it.
Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #7
The jolteon didn't have any sort of way to find the umbreon, as he didn't have the smarts that the dark type had. this would be a problem to him, as it had only just reached the afternoon.
The Human Species Ch. 59 - Electric Tiger Raikou
He had a hard time making out the dark-type's features in the darkness of the night, and the lack of any response made him feel strangely alone in his fight against the legendary. "ah...