The wolf and his wife

The wolf and his wife once upon a time there was a wolf living with his wife in the woods in a house. it was once again thanksgiving time and the male wolf wanted to impose his wife with showing that he can be a big bad wolf.


once upon a time long ago, long forgotten. the world was dark, surviving the world wide war that suddenly erupted somewhere in the year 2510 the humans were ignorant, they made huge weapons for mass destruction and murdered there friends and family.

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The fat king

A fairytalesque story about a fat orc king and his kinky royal sorcerer once upon a time, there was an orc king. he was a good king, as orc kings go. he was also incredibly simple to please. he liked two things, and that was eating and wanking.

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baby wolf

once upon a time a goddess wolf helped to calm a baby boy infant as this infant had just lost his mom so naturally he was upset big time and his shield power kept him intact and away from anyone who thinks there his new mom as the baby boy infant cryed for


Towers of Seshin: Prologue

\<3_ * * * once upon a time, the twelve immortal deities lived harmoniously, watching over the world of siutania and all of its kingdoms.

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7 Layers of Fur

.** **once upon a time, there was a man and woman. they were in "love", but they really wanted the other on all fours. the woman was named emma. she was a very rich banker, who was able to rig any company of their money.

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[SNEAK PEEK] Another Dip

She idly wondered if maybe it had a trainer once upon a time... when she picked up some grass-type appropriate snacks and jerky, a pokéball somehow found its way into her shopping. **to read the rest of this early, head to my patreon!

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Chapter 1: The house of strand and fog.

#2 of shifties once upon a time, there was a house on a hill. this hill was in a village near a lake. the lake was in a state called "maine". inside the house was a girl who hated fog. this girl was named anna.



#1 of the book of kiwi once upon a time, there was a city in a country that's pretty well populated. within the city, there was a zoo. the international zoo of city, it as named. yes.

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The Idea Of Evil

Your muttering will not help your situation, tirion once upon a time, there was an individual, we shall call him yohn. now, yohn had a wonderful idea for a business. he was an innovator who enjoyed building things from the ground up.

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Blue skies, Red waters

Hope you like it and critique is welcome. )) once upon a time, on another planet, in another galaxy there was a race of people. they were known as the 'ru.

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Me and my masters part 1

once upon a time in a nice and clean town there was a guy named nick who had a nice and wonderful life. but it got boring from time to time though but he didn't mind it one bit.

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