A Walk in the Dark

This story has a very interesting history. It is a fan fiction story of a fan fiction story that was written by a very good friend of mine, Cheetaur (Mark White). This story is based on his Sabrina Online(an online comic by Eric Schwartz) story arc...

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Park walk

#### The alarm went off at 12 noon. I got up checking myself in the mirror. I am a twenty-three year old dragon but a very rare one indeed. I was a blue drake with hair that went over my eyes and had a ponytail holding up the back,...

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Walk with the Dawn

From a RP with Dichromaru\_Ichaxr, Gerangaus belongs to him, Blizzard owns WoW, Dawnwalker is mine. And with that enjoy.~ Deftly sorting through his mail, the Warrior sighed softly, flicking through a few letters and shook his head a little, mumbling...

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Walking on Clouds

Something of a sequel to my flash fiction, Leap of Faith. Ian wants to do something special for Jamie's birthday, but he has no money and no time to draw. \*\*\* Today is Jamie's birthday. His twenty-first, actually. And I can already imagine...

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A Walk in the Woods

Steele grumbled to himself as he kicked at a nearby fern. "Fired. Fired! Screw them, I don't care." He muttered, chest rumbling in a low growl as he walked along. He'd thought that maybe getting out here in the woods would clear his head a little, make...

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A Walk in the Park

Uploading this story for the first time on SF * * * Wrote this up today as a one shot short story. Warnings for Age Regression and cuddling Note: I think my favorite part about this story was being berated by a friend who kept telling me that I...

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Walking the distance.

Time seems to move slower when you're waiting for something, or something that shocks you into a stupor happens. In this case, Jess was waiting for class to end....

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A Walk in the Woods

Chapter Six A Walk in the Woods by Havoc "Nature is not human hearted." -Lao Tzu * * * "Okay, are we all ready?" Eric asked, looking between Aurelia and Mia. "Nobody forgot anything back at the Pokémon Center?" The trees of Petalburg...

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Walking In The Darkness

_Walk In This Field Of Black,_ _I Hear the Words of Sweet Pleasure,_ _With Each Step I Take I Feel Myself Lifting Off the Ground,_ _I Am Faced To Go Against Each of My Own Challenges,_ _I Am Made To Question My Faith in the Future of My Love,_ _Am...

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walking on the shore

Walking along black sandy shores. I look out it sea searching for something anything to help fill these holes in my heart. Just then as I look out it see a wooden crate wash up on to the beach. Wondering I walked up it. I heard yelps and yeps coming...

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A Walk in the Woods

                Her mother looked at her proudly. "You're growing up fast! Still, I think it's a bad idea for you to go to your grandmother's alone. The forest is a dangerous place and especially so for a young girl such as yourself."               ...

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A Walk in the Park

"I think this will be good for you." His statement is both odd and slightly encouraging. Or at least, it would be if he didn't shine a smile of scary intent. His suggestive moments can be pretty obvious, but still just as effective. The glimmer in his...

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