Valentines Story: Feral Affairs
#8 of valentines day companion to couple 4 of the valentines collage feral affairs written by dealia devilbliss edited by shier wilfurs here's a story about two lovers but both of them were opposite's in body design one a feral and the other an anthro
A Berri Good Affair With Aleck
Aleck checked the street sign as he drove up, making certain it was the one he wanted before turning. Driving slowly along the street, he glanced at each house, checking the numbers. Finding the one he was looking for, he pulled into the driveway....
Chapter 9: Domestic Affairs
Chapter 9: domestic affairs the halls of hogereign's manor house seemed comparatively quiet and peaceful with all the commotion over.
Forbidden Affairs - Of Chains and Temptation
#5 of forbidden affairs "i should have seen it before, garth did." victoria sat on tessica's single bed and watched her pack. "i wish i knew what to say to make you feel better victoria, i really do."
Forbidden Affairs - Kitchen Heat
#4 of forbidden affairs three years passed and thanks to garth's teaching victoria's mind matured and slowly came to grips with her abused past.
Forbidden Affairs - A Murderer and a Degenerate
#3 of forbidden affairs victoria's screams ripped through the great hall while the huge crowd of citizens stared in surprise at the headless figure of their previous king. "shut up, foolish girl!"
Forbidden Affairs - Family Matters
#1 of forbidden affairs "but sire, you must take a servant." garth rode beside the young lord and persisted to recite tradition. "you are royalty, you are not supposed to do a civilian's work. why will you not choose a servant?"
A Dragon's Love: A Family Affair
Valor's deep blue eyes smiled across the bowl-of-gold that made up his nest at the females smiling on the far end. It always brightened his day when things like two very pregnant females talked and laughed as they normally would despite the news he had...
The Alvinstar Affair: Chapter 2
Kale kept driving, his eyes hard as he breathed slowly, trying to calm his nerves. That burning pain in his ear wasn't helping, nor the blood that was trickling down the left side of his head and down his neck. Kayla was crying softly in the seat...
Antler's and Fur: A Festive Affair
Antler's and fur: a festive affair © cederwyn whitefurr 9thjanuary, 2024. all rights reserved.
Chapter 3: Family Affairs
**raccoon rage** chapter 3: family affairs by xp author ray stared at his girlfriend, still not quite sure how to process what he'd just heard her say.
Hybridized affairs (Ch. 14)
The dream destabilized and faded, as dreams often do, and Shou woke sometime later in the back of the car, still wrapped in Khaesho's scales. It looked impossible for him to be comfortable, contorted through half the vehicle, but he smiled and wiggled,...