Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 4.2 Myrh
Beo argued. jerard glanced at beo and, despite his gruff nature, couldn't hold back a chuckle. once they got back to the carriage, jerard finally put him down.
Derelict: Chapter 4
#12 of scrap book derelict: chapter 4 i regained consciousness at the sound to arguing voices, both of them were high pitched and nearly identical.
Bandit: The Unlucky Lemur - Lemurs are not Chew Toys
While the twins continued their arguing, bandit, the meal in waiting, was taking his time easing towards the exit.
Yes, Yes, In the Butt
And if they were going to keep arguing over who got the one thing, then she had no real reason to give it to either of them. well, that made it easy then, didn't it?
Kaa and Mowgli, the First Meeting.
Just out of ear shot he hears two people arguing, the beast lets out a low hiss, these two were starting to ruin his evening.
Chapter 33
Did you ever stop to think how much our arguing upsets kilyan? how it upsets your wife? i know how much i frightened zalia when i was sick . . ." watching kel with concern, keeno's ears flattened.
Jake in the dark: Prologue
We were an "average" family, violence here, argues there, blood in the middle, and then some disturbing peace at the dinner, usually interrupted by my father, whi likes to pretend things are fine and then kick the crap out of our pet.
Where Dragons Rule Rebirth: Chapter 10
"your grace, your sentinels are arguing amongst themselves and things are becoming heated." "you mean maxis and windor?" aeris asked. "why are they arguing?" "unless you commanded it, i would never eavesdrop on dragons."
A Different Kind of Race
"this is a race...i dunno about you, but that's not really something i'd consider romantic," selina argued.
After the Storm - Part 35 [A Glimmer of Hope]
The scrafty sighed as his brothers argued on whether the tunnels plan was going to work.
Humble Opinions
"you're doing fine arguing," i said. "i've seen many failures in arguing, and i think you're doing alright. keep it up." "i wish i didn't _need_ to argue," victor snorted. "i don't want to argue with anyone," rory mumbled.
The Curse Pt2
I listen to wyrm and yin argue about videogames and how good they are. patrick seems to be listening to them as well, and like me doesn't want to get involved.