Chapter 1: Cursing librarians and Squeaking raccoons

Most of the time the stories were short comedic works, but i did have some longer ones, with my magnum opus on the site being journeys of the "spider: sunset's desert path" in the now defunct spider-shimmer/powerponies threads.

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Shades Of Red ((RE-WRITE))

I say to him with an obvious comedic tone. he laughs a little bit before he replied to me "loads!" before i decide to leave the room mike kind of yells "you have the recorder? remember you can't go to an interview without one!" what a great reminder.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.4c, The Great Illusion

No... he was far too experienced in the ways of the mechanists to think that just one man held all of the power, but he knew for certain that this comedic tragedy did only have one director; he would not be able to take down the theater but it was certainly

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zen (teaser chapter)

The net, unless i can't get the story published. the only reason i'm really uploading this is because of how proud i am of this chapter and i really would like some feedback on what you think. the book is mainly a an action mixed with horror and tries to comedic

Kali's Decision

Sitting towards the back corner they were spotted, a group of gruff and armored figures crammed into the booth almost comedically. speaking quietly to themselves, their voices lowered even more as they noticed the red panda girl looking at them.

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Furs on Tour - Tuesday

I watched a couple of hilarious "happy dances", the best (for comedic value) done by a stoat named lindsey who plays the flute. soon it was my turn.

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Chapter 5: Into the Unknown

Kieshou laughed at his comedic performance as she slowly eased the string back to it's normal, readied position. "was that because i aimed the bow at you? or did you just get scared thinking about all the big, bad monsters in the forest?"

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Sometimes we read the emergency cards, for comedic value of course. marian, my poor love, has yet to gain the strength to read; i read to her. we read in our makeshift tent, huddled for warmth. she is the warmer one.

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The Early Morning Rays

It was almost meant to be comedic, as much as an actual command. the driver, apparently not a very reciprocative soul on either count, met the words with the barrel of a gun.

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The Dark Blog: Submitting a novel

Is your novel optimistic, melodramatic, suspenseful, quirky, comedic, snappy? these broad emotions should be hinted at in your query letter and your sample chapters are a way to show that, yes, you really can accomplish that.

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The Trinket | Chapter Seven [Comm]

The crayon was one thing, that could be written off as a genuine if not comedic accident. but the growing affinity to watch little kid cartoons, the sudden curiosity towards diapers of all things, and now a stuffed animal dressed as a baby?

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