Canines from the alphas, the biggest and greatest fraternity in the history of farsdale. the fraternity was exclusively canine, so the room was filled with dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals and whatever other canine bastards were cool enough to join.
Tales from Silicon City 15: Dark Omens
fraternity brothers that had a lot in common with the four idiots downstairs now that he thought about it.
02. Experimental Doseage
Now with cole, the complete collection of the fraternity, he fell into lust with the first pill.
Nngh...story version
"i checked the roster and it seems you are one of the only frat members who somehow got out of doing the fraternities mandatory camping trip.
Delta Omega Gamma Redux
As it turned out, zack was a member of a fraternity on campus...a fraternity with a bit of a reputation. the house was delta omega gamma, or d.o.g for short.
Beta Decay: introduction-- Reaction
You can call me Thor. I never thought much about how death would happen. I had some romantic thought about the whole escapade; I believed that when I died, I would have a flash of my whole life. I thought that being struck by lightning was...
Twitter Bites: Frat Party (Musk)
As the youngest pledge for the delta lambda phi fraternity, i'm on clean up crew. ever since our chapter advisor realized old men with deep pockets love tight, frat boy rumps, we've been volunteering our services for charitable causes once a month or so.
Meet Me at the Party (Patreon)
It was distant but grew with intensity the nearer he came, leisurely walking down the sidewalk that was adjacent to so many fraternity houses.
Soul Stalkers - 03
fraternity boys, too drunk to think strait, were yelling at the two girls. one who wore her fear like a blanket while the other used her fear like a sword. "make out with her again! come one! get freaky!"
ROTNFS: Chapter 8, The Raccoon In The Shadows
They are spared for the moment. 0‾end narration‾0 it was 12:30 am at the fraternity home of the alphadogs. the party had to end early due to a spy that we all know and love.
Declaration of Dependence
Anyway, my name is yan and i was chosen as ambassador of the feline freedom fraternity to welcome you to our country and our college." "feline freedom fraternity?" "yes," he nodded. a hint of pride seemed to take over his speech.
Astro and the Buried Boner part 10
Anubis asked dusty again. 3:12 am cairo time phi epsilon fraternity house university of cairo day 8 a bedroom the music was appropriate for the moment.