Wiroch: Basic Info
It was embraced by all the scales as a wise decision whom shared their knowledge and ideas freely.
Reality Transcendent
It was she who fully mastered the understanding of nature and reality, and poured its knowledge into the world. it was by understanding time that she learned of this, and created the world in orderness.
Stories in Silver and Gold
The knowledge of dragons is untainted and pure. -
The _streetwise_ skill is about implimenting your knowledge of body language, secret rituals, and connections within society.
the Dark side of unicorns
His knowledge would be inbred inside her and given to her foals, be they filly or colt, they would have human knowledge. he often thought back to the event that lead him to become part of her?......
408 The Secret Decalogue
We'll give them gold stars in the form of knowledge that can actually be used to help them make actual gold stars." "you have talked me into contributing a little of my time to help educate the underprivileged."
A lowly beastman summons a mighty daemon in a bid for knowledge. things do not go as the mighty bird expects. this was written as a joke between me and rin's actual owner. you can find a rough sketch of him below.
Muscle Growth - The Quest for More
After much research into a field i have literally no knowledge in, i have cooked up something i believe can serve as the stepping stone to my next project.
Wanderer (Sec. 1)
"what is it you seek that i might have knowledge of?" he inquired, having knowledge of many things throughout his various travels in his accrued centuries.
The Wandering Shadow: Chapter Thirteen
They used me for my intended purpose then, and i gained much knowledge. every person the amulet touched would add their knowledge to my own. after many of these mental transfers, i noticed i could sense more than the knowledge of those i touched.
Pride of the Neighbourhood
You have your years of life, you have as much knowledge as you can take.
The Mook Maker, Interlude 3: The Sage
The scholar took a deep breath - one needs to show knowledge to gain knowledge, he thought to himself. "it is not. they are relics, older than the kingdom itself! but their impact is one of legends!" he announced.