The Chronicles of Vaahn - The End of Days

"aki, you know you wanted to know what i was working on... meet rook."

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Dark Descent - Chapter 3

rook corrected. "oh right, my mistake. sorry, rook." "rook..." rook thought on her name for a moment. much like her old face, it wasn't her own. it was given to her by giovanni a long time ago, long enough that she almost forgot her old name.

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Dark Decent - Chapter 4 - Falling In Darkness

rook corrected."oh right, my mistake. sorry, rook."  "rook..." rook thought on her name for a moment. much like her old face, it wasn't her own. it was given to her by giovanni a long time ago, long enough that she almost forgot her old name.

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Sample Snuff Chess Moves

There was a bishop threatening him directly, the white king blocking his retreat in one direction, a pawn controlling another square, and... a rook threatening an entire file. the rook had long, blonde hair. phillip beckoned to her, and she came over.

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Master of Aura Chapter Twenty-Five

rook's song continued until the very last pokemon hit the ground, out cold, before he closed his muzzle and the perish song ended quickly. "well done rook."

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Darkness Incarnate: From The Shadows

Kajex tracked their communications with the help of rook's smuggler scrambler, leading us to another habitable world in the system.

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A Friendly Game

The otter quickly castled on the queen's side as the fox moved his queen's rook to d8 to protect his king. the otter took a deep breath, then slid his rook to d7, capturing the draconic knight on it.

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Evil Genius Ch.3

He noticed he was sitting on the padded floor and lumbering over him was rook. a look of confusion encroached upon his face as he was not sure what just happened. rook stretched out his arms and smiled. "that was a nice exercise, pet.

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Temporal Trash

"hey, hey, rook," shay heard as he felt talons upon his shoulder. "miss korba ain't fond of that language. you ok, rook?"

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Autumn Tactics Chapter I - Happy Birthday, Scott

rook turned to one of the burly men from the bar. "make sure the police see this," he said before setting it on the bar counter. the man only looked back at rook with fear and said nothing. rook began to walk away from the bar.

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Remember Me 6 - As We Cross The Azure Sea

"y-yeah yanno what never mind i gotta look into this rook first." he hunched down over the white rook and popped her skull open, seeing the chips were still intact as he clapped his hands rubbing with glee.

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"now check this out," said wally as he slid his rook down to row 6, putting ian in check. ian ignored the pun and quickly moved his king to d7. wally slid his rook over and took ian's pawn.

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