Runaway: Chapter 8: Deep Space
Emily beamed at me with a look that was more reminiscent of her 'coon heritage, that bright eyed look of excitement and wonder. like having seen what should be a new toy or friend or food.
Seeonee 2 - Chapter 12
I looked in her bright eyes, unable to say anything. she gestured me to come to her, and she sat over me. i held her paws and pressed my face into her soft, white fur.
The Item, For Sale
After reaching the designated spot, he released the arm and shoved the figure to the ground as bright eyes pierced the fourteen windows on the other seven walls of the room.
The Best Sleepover EVER!
All these thoughts rushed through the preteen stallion's head in seconds as the door began to open, showing a bright eyed young fox at the door, billy!
Digital, No?- The Rising
Seth grinned, his bright eyes shining through his red hair falling in front of them. "hail and welcome friend," he gave a bow, "from we who return from the digital realm." seth had a thing for dramatics and theater.
Caught in the shower
I want you bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow." "um, yes sir i will do that." once he was outside he checked the address on his phone. 25 fleet st. it didn't take him long to get there. he sighed, raised a paw and knocked on the door.
Ed and Baz
So instead, he curled up with adia, cupped her face, stared into her bright eyes, and kissed her madly. she rocked her hips, clenched, kissed back, until she couldn't hold in the sensation.
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E5
"yeah, we were lucky that it didn't," said bright eyes. you just happened to have it occur at a bad time, especially during a test.
Meeting Dr. Sweetlam
Those bright eyes grew wide. "yeah, you smell like sex." "oh dear." that earned me a playful look. "do i really?" issac cocked his head at me. slow and smoothly i leaned in and whispered. "yeah.
Teaser - Just a Loser Pothead
The young bitch just perked her ears, bright eyes staring as i lowered my tighty-whiteys. eighty dollars and a blowjob - not a bad profit for a ten minute drug deal with oscar.
Thaylen gets tied up
Even with their odd purple colour and bright eyes, he certainly didn't think they were a threat and severely underestimated them.
Chapter 44 A Light in the Darkness
The cub had been born with a long red mane, bright eyes . . . and a small pair of wings folded tight to her back. fassil was there when she was born, had witnessed the mother die, and knew the child's wings marked her as a demigod.