The Knight Academy - Chapter III

"we will be out like a field trip, survival training i think our teacher called it. two teams together has to go to a place that is at least a halfday journey.

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Academ: The Wyld Mage

This had been the perfect field trip.

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Starcrossed (Collab)

The bus driver nodded and started the journey, the old yellow beast rumbling into the highway, belly full of restless students on the usual high that accompanied breaking their class routine for a field trip.

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Starcrossed Full Piece (Done with Skatelian and Picklessauce69)

The bus driver nodded and started the journey, the old yellow beast rumbling into the highway, belly full of restless students on the usual high that accompanied breaking their class routine for a field trip.

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The paths we walk

They both sulked on this field trip for different reasons. "man, i'd rather try the fields again." daniel whined aloud. his words echoed off of the narrow walls. mr.

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You think of all those people lining up to see their nation's space program- this is a class field trip, morning entertainment for them and it's nothing major to them but to you it means so much more.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep06

They must've been having a field trip in these woods before they were surprised by this demon appearing from out of nowhere.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

The female kirin happened to enjoy visiting museums, so this little assignment felt more like a fun field trip than a tedious chore.

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Zonktober 2022 - 7. Resistance

There were several reasons why abandoned tombs weren't a popular destination for field trips - one of them being that a single mistake could end your life at any point in very creative ways - and as someone who made a living out of exploring those places,

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Zy Zy University Chapter 3

"alright then everyone pack up today is the field trip" everyone started packing up "meet in the front of the school within 2 hours" "alright i'm so excited!"

Servant of the Gods: Chapter 8; Gods

"how about you determine that after a little field trip?" zheng looked back at his grandfather with intrigue. "a field trip to where?" "to the north pole!" xin said as he pointed north. zheng looked at him curiously as his grandfather just smiled.

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Chapter 5- Friday

Maybe it's the field trip, the free day, or the fact that it's friday, but i can't help but feel that the tall, fluffy wolf walking next to me is a big part of it. it's crazy how things work that way.

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