One Fox's Idea of Fun

As i moved forward my member penetrated the skyscraper with even more ease than it had the police station earlier.

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Shattered Glass: Chapter 13

I followed him without question as we ...drove to the police station? when had we become criminals? i round the corner in this damp, damn rat habitat. we are guided to the next room. i walk into the doorway to see wally...

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Two Raptors In A City of Zombies 6 - Rhythm of the City

The police station, while amazingly grand and elegant in design for such an institution, was clearly suffering from the attacks judging by the state of the roads.

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A Shocking Interrogation

Near the police station is where a white wolf in a blue officer's uniform was calmly relaxing in his car while drinking some coffee. just then, the police radio started buzzing in. he heard this and reached in and grabbed the caller.

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New to the Force Ch.2: First Day on the Job

We followed him into the inner workings of the police station; it was a tight fit for flare, but he was conscious of his size and didn't knock anything over.

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Venturing: Three Desired Cons

As kyro, natty and zander flew up into the air one by one, i stared back upon the police station's entrance. pondering over yang's words and interpreting on what she had meant by them.

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Venturing: Underno

What happened to the lights at the police station?" "they were dark. it was rather impossible to see anything inside there."

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The Problematic Policeman

His office was near to the back of the police station, near the holding cells for some of the prisoners. a few of them looked at him with familiar glances, and axel looked back with a wink and a grin.

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Mind Control Stream Story 15: The Problematic Policeman

His office was near to the back of the police station, near the holding cells for some of the prisoners. a few of them looked at him with familiar glances, and axel looked back with a wink and a grin.

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Life of a Thief: Interrogation

Besides were in the police station with 25 officers on guard every entrance. if he was planning to escape from here, he be a fool and a dead man walking." underwood replies with a grin.

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Exposed 2

Rodney however never saw these parts of the police station as he was led in through a backdoor and up a staircase.

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Howls in the park (Part Four)

Luke ran mercilessly through the downtown streets toward the police station. he couldn't get oliver's voice out his head. "not again" what did the kid mean by that. luke hurried as fast as he could in the rain.

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