Workin' for the Weekend

"i keep my baby in heated storage by the space port. it's not cheap, but i love this thing." he replies, opening the passenger door. "get in." fox hops into the passenger-side front seat, while wolf walks around to the driver's side.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 5

#6 of camilla queen, the conquerer chapter 5 the space port was far outside of any settlement, made a run-down impression, was loud, crowded and there seemed to be no plan where to go or who was responsible for what.

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Under the Table

He'd known roughly which way it was to the administration bunker when he first started walking, but kirloff's weather was absolute hell; even in the middle of the space-port the blowing snow made it easy for an organic mind to get turned around.

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Chimera in a Bottle

Of course they had next to no idea what was going on, and all the off-world medical professionals were employed at one of the big city hospitals, the ones with space ports, not one that was merely a grain storage and transportation hub.

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I love you Krystal

She showed him a black colored fighter at a space port. james walks around the sleek craft. "this one nice looking craft. i would love to learn how to fly this." krystal walked up to him.

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Bombshell's Bombers Chapter 1

After shi was check over shi was allowed to beam down to york redux's space port. it was a dreary day today at the city. built to take new york's place as a shipping hub york redux lived up to the name and the large skyscrapers.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight P3

With catlike skill the robotic creature leaped up onto a pile of debris, batting aside heavy chunks of rubble until the entrance to, what once had been, a space-port terminal was opened.

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Finding Humanity Chapter 8

They depart the asteroid and head back to the landing pad at the space port. as they come in for a final approach they see a small explosion. esrie pinpoints the explosion to jezel's place and she quickly lands.

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Red, Black and Grey Part 1, Chapter 5

So i headed to the space port." hrist frowned. "i can't remember how i got there, especially on me leg, which was really hurt. i remember seeing the ship in its berth, and the ramp retracting, and the door closing.

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Breakout 1

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* khan so, finally at the space port ready to leave this freaking planet. ted was heading to the ship, i was going to meet abby in the lounge, so we could discuss a few things in private.

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Little Red Rocket Hood

But afterwards she kisses his muzzle and opens the ramp that will allow them to leave the ship and walk around the space port.

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Only Human (Chapter 9)

Nor did she care about the surroundings, you seen on space port, you seen them all. nathan, on the other hand, was staring in amazement, like he'd never seen anything like it. well, he probably never had. "wait, coke is still around?"

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