The Dog Dungeon
Blinking through his dazed vision kanic sees that it was the massive timber wolf's cock which has become partly soft again.
Learning to Run, Chapter 6, Werewolf Training... Again...
After waking up, the older wolves started off towards the boarders of the timber-wolf territory. walker was taken by moon and snow to where the other cubs stayed.
Shoot! 02: Leonardo Dewey Coltford
A larger tiger in red swim trunks walked up to him, accompanied by a timber wolf in blue trunks. _this campus sure has a lot of tigers,_ thought leo. "beat it," he said simply. "beat what?" asked the timber wolf with a wink.
The Club, The lust, The Wolf... Chapter 5
Your throat will be used without consideration, your ass will be used without mercy..." the threat was only half way real, the timber wolf trying to scare the pup more than actually ever intending that fate for him.
Rocketing Around the Galaxy 6
Tags: m/m, off-screen sex, size difference, banter, rocket raccoon, raccoon, timber wolf, rule 34, series, sci-fi, comedy, anger, speciesism,
Campus Grounds Character Stats
wolf physical appearance height: 5'9" weight: 245 lbs body build: stocky eye color: blue left or right-handed?
Faux Pas: A Different Breed
The grey timber wolf sat, a little bored with the gossip. there was t.v. he could be watching. "yeah?" he asked without an ounce of interest. rudy kept talking in spite of the tone.
Winter's Palisade Chapter 1
As he hugged matt closer,the muscular timber wolf gingerly lay nick on the taupe couch. nick was a wolf himself,but an arctic,apposed to matt's timber background,his fur was a white shade with a slight blue tint.
The Beat's Vibration
#4 of porn shorts an older piece that i wrote for an ex of mine, involving his ice phoenix character and a timber wolf on a dance floor.
Careful What You Wish For | Chapter 3 [Comm]
All the while, the surgeons prepared to secure the timber wolf's fate. permanently.
The Ankh City War: Chapter Two - Call To Arms
The timber wolf smiled a bit, "conner. second rank of julian' pack." "and you're here at this ungodly hour of the morning because...?"
Species: halfbreed of timber wolf and common canine fur: grey hair: grey as well, cut to the fur line in an almost military style.