Advent, Chapter 3-Meeting
Chapter 3: meeting july 5, 2004, 4:36 am i grew tired as our ascent took us from one side of the planet to the other.
Frost - Prologue
However, as they continued to rise, their ascent slowed until soon they had changed directions. slowly they fell, until they landed on a street several miles from where they were freed.
Chapter 2: A New Cause For New Paws
Kari stopped and allowed the other four to begin their ascent, bringing up the rear with max. kuda snickered. "well, it looks like if we're gonna die, it'll be here and now." the door opened at the top of the stairs from the inside.
Victernus - Chapter 25
Lynn nodded, continuing his ascent towards namara, "it's necessary to keep the core running. otherwise, it would never support a city such as this."
The Royal We (1 of 2)
As the gryphon's form tensed and flapped, she found the sudden ascent to be quite dizzying.
Caedece - Chapter 2
Not long into our ascent up the stairs another explosion happened somewhere on the ship and we were both knocked into the wall. sam was the first one to stand up and he reached a hand down to help me back to my feet.
Love's Requiem Chapter 1
But when she began her ascent, she was discovered by her father. "aleu, what are you doing here?" he asked curiously. the female wolf dog gulped nervously before answering his question. "i was um...i was looking for kodi."
Souls Eternal Flame CH. 3
They chased each other through the air, doing quick dives and ascents, a few loop-to-loops, before finally arriving at the town. they landed in front of the hotel nik was staying at. "want to come in with me?" he asked.
Twilight Fun
He began his ascent, and noticed that the stairs disappeared after each step.
Face in the Mirror Ch.3
The ascent seemed to take forever as strobes of light passed through the rounded, transparent walls of the lift. there must have been dozens, maybe even hundreds of levels to the shipyard. its sheer immensity was hard to comprehend from within.
1. Enter Crystal
She licked the muck from her recent ascent off of it, and her tongue told her that it was just as smooth as the rest of the trunk.
Love of Two, Fate of Many Chapter 3
She nodded her ascent. "now i'm not judgin' or nothing, and i personally think it's wonderful you found love so early if it's true, but" he looked around and asked, "is it true that you and your brother are mates little one?"