A Ludicrous Footjob for Bounty Hunters
The infamous bounty hunter, rocket raccoon.
Claiming a Bounty (Vore Story)
Team steam successfully cashes in a bounty in the form of a bellied dragonite, and spend their massive payday teasing the captive and guzzling down booze~ "wow! i can't believe we really just managed to take down a dragonite..."
Bounty Hunters pt 2
#68 of sentinels the bounty hunters come back for round 2, but this time, volcan and his friends are prepared. cover pic made from a picture by whiteguardian used with permission from korban22.
Bounty Hunters pt 1
"do you have anywhere you could take lighris - somewhere the bounty hunters can't know about?"
Rayguns & Rifles - Bounty Hunter
Rayguns & rifles - bounty hunter the dry dust swirls & hits his face, red, as if the earth had rent open & weeped blood into the sandstorm. it rasps & the lone rider ducks his head against it.
Paying Off Your Bounty
The only door out of the little exam room was the one that the two bounty hunters were covering, keeping him from running for it, and the only weapon he had was the one that he'd been about to disassemble.
Chapter 7: Bounty of Work
"so there was a bounty for this thing to be killed?" akalgan inquired for certainty. mykolas looked up at the face behind the viper's own and took in akalgan's draconic features. he especially wanted to keep the face in mind, along with a name.
CBS - Bounty: Neon Zelena
Shadowrun is owned by: the topps company **coffee break story** **bounty: neon zelena** by xp author the crowd of suits was so clustered together, it was oppressive.
Here, There Be Dragons - Ch. 3 - Sharks are from Venus
Riptide turned around baring his teeth across to the bounty hunter.
Sand and Blood, Part 1
They were bounty hunters, the both of them, working for all sides. they would take contracts from anyone who could to two things: 1. find them and 2. pay them. his locator blipped.
Black Blood in Darkness 4 Cursed Fate of the Living
"This is not going to be easy." Said hunter Ted as he saw a sign that says "Welcome to Furcon 2012." Furcon 2012 is in wolfwood and people in fursuits are taking over the town. What is a hunter to do when a real werewolf can hide so easly. His father...
Between Winters, Part 10 - One Magic Fox
Then he noticed the dying bounty hunter sprawled on the ground. "snowy? what happened here, that's my drinking buddy!" "your drinking buddy and his pals are bounty hunters!"