Milo's Forest (Vore/Ovi Story)
And the big bug was more than willing to go much, much deeper than it was already.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 2: Going it Alone
The fact that the ship's pilot, a bug drone named itchy continued to tell him that the flight system was more important, did not make his job any easier.
Naturally Engineered
Jerry played with the food on his metal tray, listening absent mindedly to the talk and banter of the cafeteria. Jobs that were done in the day, problems each person had in their various lines of engineering work, the usual. His shift was over today...
The Sweet Sting
The Sweet Sting Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Rbbrmutation A soft, sweet scented early spring breeze blew across the fields of clover, causing the tiny leaves to waiver and drop the dew drops that had clung on with such intensity. It was...
The Bashful Bee
# The Bashful Bee ## By TheCrafters001 Featuring: Bronze the Synth Sythe the Synth I'm shaking, mostly out of nervousness... The worst thing about being in public is that I hate people bumping into me, only for them to run...
Journey to another world ch42
It quickly moved down the string to the bug, and when it reached the bug, it exploded in a bright blue flame. when the smoke cleared, the bug had burn marks over most of it's body.
Rare Encounter (Vore Story)
A huge, armored cross between a bug and a horse, at least a good two feet taller than the hyena even as he attempted to stand up as straight as he could to intimidate the big bug.
Honestly, the most anxiety-inducing part was seeing just how big the bug was going to be when you walked through that door.
But you knew that the bug would most certainly not appreciate that...
Magic and Mishaps
The bug may have been a few feet taller than him but at the end of the day, it was still a stick bug. it had no real natural weapons and, comparatively, very little mass.
No more quagsire, just a very pleased, wiggly lump deep in milo's belly, and a very satisfied-looking bug. a bug with quite a lot of digestion on his plate for the rest of the night, that was for sure!
The Triple Milker, Part 4
Two tentacles uncoiled from the bug and wrapped around the two cocks, holding them firmly in place as the bug started to lower itself down.