Process Overflow
A sharp crack echoed through the spacious room, reverberating off dusty panels and broken electronics. A heavy thump followed when Fendyn tossed a crate lid aside, revealing a container brimming Moooon Cow brand powdered milk. The dragonfly let out a...
Sakura Gets Sumosized
The second octarian then disappeared back into the gloom, though she could hear the orders they were barking to other who were clearly still lurking out of sight: "ensure that the vat never drops below one third capacity, the boss wants her to be feeding night
Feeding the Beast (Gift for Kewney)
He'd need the sleep, after all, if he was to feed her tomorrow...
Feeding his Majesty's Pleasure
The take-over had been swift if anything... Disorganization fell beneath his determination, and though the might of what seemed like so many could have easily struck him down alone, by the time he decided to strike, he wasn't alone. It seemed as if...
Please Don't Feed The Animals
"well, um, it's just're not supposed to feed the animals." he motioned with his head and i looked to the side where a plastic green sign was screwed to the wall. etched in white was please don't feed the animals.
The Care and Feeding of Graff-Breeds
The care and feeding of graff-breeds by von krieger lj grumbled as he began the process of removing his powered armor.
Feeding Time! - Story for Crasta
The kinkiness of the whole situation was really sinking into her now, a big, fat, nasty big eating out her tight cunt for all it was worth, breast feeding two hungry piglets.
Identity crisis: Feeding Time
#4 of identity crisis identity crisis: feeding time by traveler it was not much longer till tammy and brenda had breakfast, but first tammy had to settle down after what happened.
Chapter 2; The Hand That Feeds
"the hand that feeds. come, sit on your bed."
Feeding Joey II- Dessert
By popular demand, another sequel xd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ feeding joey ii-dessert.
Feed the Hungry, Heal the Sick
feed the hungry, heal the sick by athalon> a fevered wolf self-snuggled the quilted robe around his sweatered fur, settling in with winter stillness to receiving arms, the padded wingback close before a solitary dying fire.
Feeding a vixen 2 WIP
#2 of feeding a vixen bunny meets grace a few days later and gives her a place to stay. somewhere that she doesn't have to fuck or suck for.