Proper Planning
_Proper Planning_ "Hey, Kevin," Lukas, a slightly stocky raccoon in his late twenties, said, "would you mind helping me out and stocking bread?" Kevin, a scrawny fennec some years younger than Lukas, turned away from the vending machine and his...
Plans in Motion
She hid in the shadows in the bushes to hear what the vampires' plan of action. the vampire encampment comprised of one large tent in the center surrounded by about ten smaller tents.
Plans in Motion
The details of the plan kept getting changed, and that required daon's company to rework the plans over and over again, and the bear's mind began to wander as he cut through one gordian knot after another in the planning.
Planning is everything
planning is everything by minguss 2006 the night couldn't be worse. it was raining buckets and thunders roared, but jeremy couldn't wait he had to get his hands onto that new prototype.
The Anthro Plans
Cody rubbed his shoulders as he walked into the shared house, his body had felt oddly sore since the day before. It was as he was going through a growth spurt once more, "You'd think a college student wouldn't have to worry about something like...
Arti's Plans
"i have much planned for you sunette my slut, but first a little punishment is in order for almost growling at me." it wasn't loud but he grinned to himself when he heard her meep quietly.
Torched Plan
As the night stayed still, Ilumious growled, He had created a vast and powerful empire of the night, as he sat on throne, then as the doors opened a scout and general came forth. Ilumious looked at them and growled "What do you have scout....?" As the...
Evening plans
Other then tina, sarah wasn't planning to skip the for play. she got on her knees between roop's legs and bend down to lick his penis.
Negotiations and a plan
"now that's a perfect plan." javid commented. "no, but it was executed well enough." draco corrected, giving me a look. i laughed. half an hour after this, the gunfire stopped, and red clan members started filing in, hands on heads.
A planned visit
Commissioned by a friend of mine, duskastraeus Hope you enjoy the read! Not too proud of my writing, but I'm never too confident in anyhting I do anyways. Story begins below...
Not Quite as Planned
. :3 **not quite as planned** all day, rilanthus had been anticipating the end of his shift.
Change of Plans
Fenny must have dozed off. He woke up to a relatively darker room, leaned up against his Cassidy's body, and he slowly shifted himself, so he was on his side. Fenny did this to stare at her pretty resting face, which he did for about a minute or so...