Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 1: Wounded Tiger
Beast summoner, an adventurer, and i found my reborn husband.
Wheel of Time: Born in Shadows- Description
Little does he know the dragon reborn will soon rise to power and hange the world forever
Journeys of Time 7
Kichiro's spirit was drawn back into the grave and soon the dirt erupted as kichiro sat up and took a deep breath before growling, "i am reborn. ow!"
A New Life and Love: The Adventures of Yuji Saotome
A time for rebirth, skuld had mentioned that he would be reborn after his last mission where he sacrificed his life so to save a dimension from being enslaved by a tyrant.
Rebirth/Babyfur rp idea
Happens causing me to crash being mortally wounded. when you find me im dying but i hand you an egg shaped stone from my chest and tell you to take care of it before i die. later on in the next morning the stone hatches and its exactly like me. its actually me reborn
The Fall of Umbria
Should, the mountains cease their beautiful song, the fall of umbria cannot be undone, the king stands upon his shattered throne, helplessly watching his kingdom fall before him, heart broken his soul torn, the magic that is now dead, cannot be reborn
Form and Function 01
Whereas you were reborn. reborn with both male and female parts. therefore hermaphroditic. but also sort of not. see, true hermaphrodites can actually breed with themselves, but you cannot." this took ezra out of kinky curiosity mode. "wait, what?"
The Other Dragon World: Chapter 11
That way...the darkness is reborn whenever he's having negative emotions...which is...the time when he was reaching adulthood."
Corisande's Blessings
"would you so happen to know what has become of our newest reborn pair, dearest father?" she spoke with amusement gleaming in her eyes.
Preview of upcoming part in the Duke & Alex series.
To take another's life is the ultimate sin, but is it a sin if you are reborn into new life? if you kill the person that you love so brutally that you both may live again?...' a simple passage from a book.
Tragic Endings
To be sealed, or to die and be reborn at a later point. normally both options would seem incredibly undesirable but one could not explain the mindset of a demon trapped in rage.
Beyond the Hold: Prologue
._ _ "to this day, the moons choose the day at which the next spirit to be reborn will come and the sea decides if it shall be reborn again after they die.