Whispers in the Night
Liam glanced over his shoulder, his eyes half-lidded and the tip of his supple tongue poking out in a cheeky, insolent grin.
The Clearing
Robbie, who was standing at my shoulder, leaned over and asked "you do know where we are... don't you?" giving him a light nudge with my shoulder, i looked over at him and grinned, taking off running down the hill.
Birthing Dragons: Odus: Part 7
"uhn, ugh -- oh, uh, uh, uh -- first shoulder," i moaned out, gasping as the first shoulder poked out of me. odus supported it, cradling the head in one paw and resting the other on the emerging shoulder.
Change Room
At the same time, he felt his shoulders tense. he grunted at the sudden contrasting feeling; the pleasurable warmth in his chest and the uncomfortable tension in his shoulders.
Preying on the Past - Ch. 4 The More Things Change...
I saw his hand land on david's shoulder out of the corner of my eye, but i was more interested in the tiny bundle of fur in my mate's arms.
Raven's Death
I raced for the nearest alley, my rifle over my shoulder, i hauled it off my shoulder, slamming it into position, i took careful aim with the rifle, aiming at nemesis, i fired, the bullet ripping through his eye.
Training Session
"i'm no good at fighting..." he whispered meekly, his shoulders drooping when his brother's shadow fell over him. snarling, the larger pokemon reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder.
The Shower
Tarkin was wearing a white shower towel strung across his shoulders, and nothing else.
Relax Cats
Panthro replied as he jutted his head against the pillowy soft cushion he was lying on while the lion began to kneed at his shoulders and neck areas.
The Missing Son, Chapter 22
He slammed his good shoulder in emilio's chest, sending him flying back, but patrick almost blacked out as the impact caused his other shoulder to erupt with pain.
Sharing Is Daring [Commission]
His paws came down on lukas's shoulders, resting gently there as the otter rose up and shifted forward.
christmas cheer
He pulled her into his embrace once again, sitting her up and laying her head on his shoulder, stroking her neck reassuringly while rocking her back and forth gently, the doe wailing into his shoulder bitterly.