Regal's Rampage
Others just prepare to be awed by the sight of my paws seconds before i stomp you flat.", with this regal smirked and yet again focused. this time on growing larger.
Morning Glory
stomping over to his bedroom window the fox pulled the curtains aside and shoved the window itself open before he even taken a proper look outside; intending to yell at whoever was making all that racket.
Theatre of War
Whether that be looming overhead, stomping around, or simply standing by your side, sharing a conversation over a cup of coffee.
The Skate Girl
Lots of stomping, povs, and shoes in this unaware story. i hope you enjoy it. please leave your feedback.
A Titan And His Mouse: Part 3
**A Titan and His Mouse** **Part 3: A Building Relationship** The streets rumbled and quaked. Building shook on their foundations from the footfalls of the mighty gray-furred wolf god and his loyal, black and white, mouse servant. The twin massive...
Grah 'n' Maul
Bubbles appeared on the surface of the ocean, and ripples formed around them, as a shadow grew beneath the waves. Something of gargantuan size had awoken from a slumber. Tales of old warned humanity of his inevitable emergence, that he shall always...
Snow Day
The jog back to oscar's house was certainly a unique experience for jason, he could tell that the rabbit was taking care not to stomp down too heavily but it was still a rough ride.
Shredding the Soul
_"Don't you get it yet?" Shadow gripped the side of Hector's head and ground it against the floorboards. The huge claw encompassed his entire skull, pinning his snarling face, those black-rimmed yellow eyes flashing with pain. "The more you try...
Micro for a Werewolf
Times had changed greatly since the first discovery of the tiny counterparts hidden away right under the noses of every fur out there. Some thought they were bugs while others fought for their rights as normal furs. Over time and at the rate that...
An RPG-style opening
Sovrim: that's what it's going to feel like when i start stomping on you. got it? shira: thanks to some black market military tech, you'll survive that. for now. shira: we're going to have _so_ much fun with you, bug. sovrim: indeed.
He knew, when he started the company, he needed a gimmick, and many people hired him just for the novelty of having a mecha stomping through their house, snorting up hissing and screaming little lizards.
The Kirin's cloven hooves emitted quiet clacks, as they collided with the stone floor. Geno descended a flight of steep stairs, and entered his basement. He flicked a switch, and a dim light flickered to life, casting vision on the latest...