The Fox General: March on Vulpezzia

The supply train would be split as well, which was extremely dangerous, but necessary. immediately, things went wrong.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Updates)

The kursed are easily identified by their mutated features, and are considered extremely dangerous. and while they can appear bestial and primitive, there often lies within a sharp mind.


The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty Three

Whoever, or whatever, this man was, porter realized, he was extremely dangerous. porter swallowed. "i'm not a slayer," he said. "save your lies," the man retorted. "we know why you're here." a pit formed in porter's stomach.

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This is an extremely dangerous mission, as i don't need to remind you. take no unnecessary risks. these people mean business. are there any questions?" byron was first the respond. "i think i can safely speak for us all when i say...

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Upon My Wings- Part 1

._ zaros did not understand what this _magikk_ was, only that it was extremely dangerous.

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A movie and a dream

As i sat there watching the cast go about doing things that were extremely dangerous and painful wondering how the hell this was so appealing to people.

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Origin of the FinalGamer 4 - The Net Tightens

All citizens are advised to be on the lookout for he is unarmed but extremely dangerous, last seen on his triumph motorcycle near lincoln highway's entrance.

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 3

She claimed it was thrilling, and always carried some pepper spray on her whenever she went out, but it was still extremely dangerous. she was immensely attractive, turning heads wherever she went.

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Devil Seed Ch.3

Carriers were intelligent and that made them extremely dangerous. they were trying to trap him just now, and there had to be more.

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The Akira Chronicle Pt 2

The red-line represented the safe jump limit of a ship's faster-than-light drive capability; a jump over the red-line is extremely dangerous. very few ships have survived a jump even five light-years over their respective red-lines.

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A trainer's story [25]

Suddenly, jake realized something that he should have from the begin with: this man in from of him is an extremely dangerous individual, or even a psychopath. still, that didn't stop him from shouting again, albeit a lot louder this time, "you jerk!

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