Digi-Night: Fight for the Dead

A man that seemed to have a bad case of a comb over, using his bread to go over his head was speaking. "it seemed a digimon had escaped from the digital world prison.

The Guin Escape

They threw him into one of the ledges and bent him over, using their tongues and their fingers to stretch him wider and wider. the ape was the first to wrap his fingers around guin's hips and penetrate him.

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Chapter III: When A Ruby Shines

His name was dusk and he was the kagen god of transformation and madness, which could go hand in hand if one over uses them, he was also the guardian over canine animals.

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Oblitum Ch5

Yah i know that's over used, and usually there is always something to do when 'bored'. unluckily for me, my, um, current predicament doesn't really provide me with many options.

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Comfort (Illustrated (2 Images) by WhiteMantis)

They both chuckled after their impact, both new fish had over-used the power of their mighty mer-tails. xello especially.

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Chapter 57: Run Al Run

"and risk getting another infection because of over use, not on our watch." joe suggested the risk. "good point." he replied after giving another thought.

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Lori Pathen 5 - Side Effects

We are standing here soaked to the bone in each other's cum, while that spy lays there in our fluids looking like an over-used condom." "let me fix that." satyr darkmoon waved his hands and all the cum vanished along with the unconscious karl.

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Tricks and Kicks

He went over using the front foot for balance and the rear foot to power and steer. it took some time for me to figure out which foot was comfortable for which position.

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Kissing Up to the Kobold

Only the use of her tail - one of the only things that wasn't numb - kept her from falling over, using it like the third part of a tripod. she shook her head, slapping her cheek as she reached for a dagger. "you..." "don't!"

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History in the Making

There he was - the facebook account was, admittedly, not overly useful. his privacy settings hid most of his posts and photos, so like a detective who is missing most of his clues, i had to search through what little was provided for an answer.

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Secrets Ch. 16

It's nothing i can really call overly useful, its just something there, like how you know someone is watching from across the room or something."

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Collars and Callories 04

Exhaustion swept over him as his meal settled and sapped his strength, plunging him into a food coma on his over-used couch. his bread fell from his fingertips as dreams seized him, delivering him to a realm not too unlike his own.

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